Sep 29, 2010 21:52
I've started carrying weights on my walks; I didn't think it would change things much, but I really feel the difference in the amount effort it takes to keep up the pace. I've also moved from the forest preserve to the indoor track since it is getting darker earlier. My competitive nature is coming out and I'm "racing" other walkers. All in all, I feel good but my shins are bit sore. I added a few more stretches and slow laps at the end tonight to combat it. Dinner was a super-tasty black bean burger with steamed summer squash and a glass of wine I picked up on our vacay to Wisconsin. It's a very delicate white that goes nicely with vegetarian meals.
Slight pet-owner break. Jynx made a gentle (ha) arrival on my desk requesting attention. I'm still kicking around the idea of getting him friend, but the idea of more shit, plus registration, vaccination, and apartment fees is a little daunting.
I'm feeling better now that I did earlier in the week. I placed a little ad on Craigslist Sunday night, looking for friends who might want to join me on my excursions to Chicago. The only response I got was someone saying I would have better luck if I weren't so fat. Well, no shit. I didn't respond and tried not let it bother me but it hurt. I hope I wasn't that much of a bitch when I was trimmer, and I'm going to remember this kind of thing when I get back down to my goal.