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Comments 158

lukecanwaltz88 December 29 2012, 02:52:28 UTC
Name: Jessica
Age: 24
Location: Chattanooga, TN, USA
Describe yourself in two sentences: Enthusiastic, fun-loving nerd looking for her place in the world. A ginger who loves television, chocolate, and kittens.

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: HIMYM, Parks and Recreation, Doctor Who, Community, 30 Rock, The Office, Gilmore Girls, FRIENDS, Buffy, Angel... tons more HERE
Your Top Ships: Ted/The Mother, Barney/Robin, Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Luke/Lorelai, Monica/Chandler, Ben/Leslie, Andy/April, Rory/Amy... again, tons more HERE
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Baking, reading, writing, baseball.

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: I like someone who comments and posts. I like someone who actually talks about their life, too... I want to get to know people!
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: I can be both, depending on the busy-ness of my life. Right now I read but don't comment as much because I'm so busy and hate giving half-hearted comments.
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: 18+ unless we know ( ... )


xfirefly9x December 30 2012, 16:06:10 UTC
Such an awesome gif. XD


canadaphile January 2 2013, 03:48:29 UTC
You had me at "ginger."



lukecanwaltz88 January 12 2013, 07:53:06 UTC
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I missed this comment! I was away for my best friend's wedding when you commented. Would you still like to be friends?


tralfamadore December 29 2012, 03:11:15 UTC
Name: Jude
Age: 26
Location: United States
Describe yourself in two sentences: I've never been capable of being succinct. I cannot be contained. No seriously, this is hurting me and I want to cheat.

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: I'm not particularly fandom-active. You won't find much fandom content in my journal, unless you count the odd rambling about hogwartsishome or something I just have to say about a bit of media I've indulged in lately. I'll list the television shows I'm currently into for you though: NCIS, BBC Sherlock, Generation Kill, Game of Thrones, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Firefly, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Modern Family, Perception, Teen Wolf, MI-5, Breaking Bad, House MD. Probably a good few more that I'm missing. Oh! And Marvel comics can go here as well.
Your Top Ships: Tony/Ziva (NCIS), Sirius/Remus (Harry Potter), Wolverine/Nightcrawler (Marvel)... That's all I've really got. I'm so boring when it comes to fandom things.
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Photography, sport shooting, reading, ( ... )


ex_c_hrista December 29 2012, 03:20:00 UTC
Name: Christa
Age: 26
Location: Maryland, USA
Describe yourself in two sentences: I like to eat things. A lot.

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Merlin, Teen Wolf, Disney, Adventure Time, BOB'S BURGERS
Your Top Ships: ME AND RON WEASLEY sorry not sorry, Arthur/Merlin, Derek/Stiles, BUT ALSO DANNY/STILES, Katnis/bow
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: cookies, Butterbeer (but like...alcholic), my iPhone?, Twitter, CATS, scarves, pretending I'll ever learn how to knit or crochet?

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: Someone that wants to become friends. A lot of my LJ friends are people that I'll befriend on other social networks (twitter, facebook, etc) and sometimes progresses to texting and IRL meeting. Also someone that likes to interact on LJ (commenting etc).
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: Commenter, def. I read almost everything, and comment most of the time, I think.
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: I prefer people comment sometimes so I at least know who is ( ... )


canadaphile January 1 2013, 18:06:24 UTC
Your description sounds just like me. . .

Katniss/bow is like the OTP of OTPs. It's so perfect, but people overlook it! D':



ex_c_hrista January 2 2013, 04:10:08 UTC
Forreal Katniss/bow was a better match than Gale or Peeta IMO. BOW NEVER HURT HER. MAYBE.

I like yo cat.


canadaphile January 3 2013, 19:41:13 UTC
They're soul mates. No one understands her like her bow does.


marblesonglass December 29 2012, 03:25:04 UTC
Name: Liannis
Age: 30s
Location: Midwest
Describe yourself in two sentences: I'm not the girl that I intend to be. You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: NCIS, Leverage, Criminal Minds, Breaking Bad, Archer, Gravity Falls, House, Legally Blonde, Law & Order, Portal, Final Fantasy, Saw series, Pitch Perfect
Your Top Ships: Parker/Hardison, Parker/Hardison/Elliot as Bffs, McGee/Abby, Garcia/Morgan,
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: writing, roleplay, video games, reading, reality TV

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: That you post and that you aren't an asshole.
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: Both, depending on whether I have anything to say
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: If you're the kind of person who treats waitstaff/retail employees/people just doing their jobs like shit, move along plz.
Anything Else?: I put in my resignation without having another job lined up so that will be interesting.

... )


distorted_r December 29 2012, 07:43:31 UTC
Awesome. Fandoms in common and gaming. I'd like to see if we click as friends, if you don't mind. I've never been called an asshole by my f-list and well I have lots of people in retail that I know who I have not offended, and I always tend to call them sir and ma'am IRL which I rarely see done nowadays. I'm not sure why not, since I've always been taught if someone knows more then you that is helping you find something you are supposed to treat them with respect. But Generation Y is a strange one (and I'm part of it.)


marblesonglass December 29 2012, 14:39:17 UTC
Works for me. :D Added.

*reads fandom list* You like 999?? Did you know there's a sequel, Zero escape?


distorted_r December 29 2012, 14:50:44 UTC
I loved 999. And yup. I have the sequel for the PSP Vita. I haven't had a chance to play it just yet though, aside from the first room puzzle. XD


curve December 29 2012, 03:26:55 UTC
Name: Brandi
Age: 22. 23 on Sunday!
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Describe yourself in two sentences: I'm a quite shy, quite quiet, and a bit strange, yet also a bit crazy, sarcastic and obnoxious. Aren't we all, though?

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: Doctor Who, Community, The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Harry Potter, Once Upon a Time, Glee (even though I stopped watching mid S3), New Girl. I'm always behind on TV. D:
Your Top Ships: Umm. I don't really ship things! I'm more of a fan of characters having amazing friendships. My only 'ship is Puck/Rachel from Glee. Any other fandoms? Throw me whatever ship and I'll probably be a fan.
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Broadway, reading, baking, football, graphics/design, writing, travel

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: Something in common! Someone that will actually post in their journal.
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: Both. I don't comment just for the sake of commenting, but I do read almost everything.
Any friending requirements we need to know about ( ... )


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