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curve December 29 2012, 03:26:55 UTC
Name: Brandi
Age: 22. 23 on Sunday!
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Describe yourself in two sentences: I'm a quite shy, quite quiet, and a bit strange, yet also a bit crazy, sarcastic and obnoxious. Aren't we all, though?

Your True Loves
Your Top Fandoms: Doctor Who, Community, The Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Harry Potter, Once Upon a Time, Glee (even though I stopped watching mid S3), New Girl. I'm always behind on TV. D:
Your Top Ships: Umm. I don't really ship things! I'm more of a fan of characters having amazing friendships. My only 'ship is Puck/Rachel from Glee. Any other fandoms? Throw me whatever ship and I'll probably be a fan.
Your Current Non-Fandom Interests: Broadway, reading, baking, football, graphics/design, writing, travel

Your Journal
Stuff You like in an LJ friend: Something in common! Someone that will actually post in their journal.
Are you a commenter, a lurker, or both?: Both. I don't comment just for the sake of commenting, but I do read almost everything.
Any friending requirements we need to know about?: Nah.
Anything Else?:


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