Nov 10, 2003 17:06
Hmmm, I am feeling dapper today. I feel this way when I rock my Adidas karate slipper/shoes, although it is hard to find pants to match. These pants fit all weird now, either my booty is growing wider and making them sit higher, or my legs are growing longer. Also one of the legs is hemmed noticeably shorter than the other, exaggerating the manifest physcial condition. Dean Spade hair in that wedge of stuck up bedhead in the back sloping foreward into brushed over bangs. Mod parka with too-short sleeves. I need new belts.
I am thinking about a new aesthetic, one filled with tight, thin, wool sweaters, colorfully striped buttondown collar shirts to go underneath, lined wool trousers with short inseams and narrow leg-openings, or ones that are the slightest bit flared. More flat shoes or seamless dressy ones in black or white. Sweaters or tight-fitting hoodies with leather elbow patches, tight metrosexual longsleeve tshirts in solid colors to also go over buttondowns....pretty much a mod-meets-academic style or something. Man, I want some new clothes, and as always, new shoes.
I did some squats last night and damn, do I ever get fucked up from doing those! It was only 75 lbs but my quads and ass are already sore...but the worst will come tomorrow. I am also wanting to maybe take it easy on my shoulders. I am feeling something similar to tendonitis in my right one and that is no good. I will take it easy on these easy to damage muscles and take some ibuprofin for the inflammation. Also, I never thought I would say this, but I am perhaps at the point where I want to slow down on my workouts. I realized the other day (and maybe I am just flattering myself and this is in no way true) that my physique is taking on new proportions that if I am percieved as female, are maybe bordering on grotesque. Taken out of context and in a sleeveless shirt, I am one gross girl with wide shoulders and pretty nicely defined upper body muscles. Maybe this train of thought revisits my butch/masculine woman = ugly mindset, but I don't know. I haven't thought about it too much. It is possible to get too big (even though I never feel like I could ever reach that point sometimes, that I will be perpetually too small), and combined with a little body dysmorphia and overambition one could theoretically turn into the incredible hulk without noticing.