Right, introduction time! I’m generally really bad at this kind of thing and have a tendency to ramble off on random tangents, so you’ll have to forgive me if I do so!
First things first: My name is Luise, I am currently 20 and living in London, England. I have a boyfriend, named Oz who I love very much. I am a law student (which I hate. Rather passionately) I also work part time in Camden selling corsets. I am heavily involved in and very passionate about the Goth scene. I am also a complete and utter Germanophile and am leaning towards wanting to live there one day.
I have kept a lot of personal livejournals in my time (one might even say I was quite addicted at one point), but haven’t touched any of them in over two years, now. They were rambly affairs, full of florid turns of phrase and more teenage angst than should be palatable. But recently I’ve been really missing Livejournal - I miss the amazing community spirit and support that is offered, especially creatively.
In addition, I’ve been very inspired by the blogs of Miss Amelia Arsenic, also known as DestroyX - half of the band Angelspit*. She writes largely about fashion, make-up and music: all things I am very passionate and delivers it in a very readable tone. Link:
http://destroyx.com/ Anyway, I was luckily enough to run in to her at the London Edge Fashion show a few weeks ago and had a bit of a fangirly “Are you who I think you are?!” moments! Which led to a discussion about her blog and how inspirational I found her.
Basically, all of this has led me to start this new blog. I am in a situation, currently, where I go to an awful lot of live music gigs, meet an awful lot of fascinating people and see a lot of wonderful alternative fashion and, naturally, I have an opinion on all of this. So I figured I would share said opinions with the world! My only regret is that I haven’t recorded a lot of the amazing experiences I’ve had over the past few years, but time permitting, I may do a retrospective on some stuff!
This blog is going to be mainly a “creative one” in a lose sense of the word - I’m going to discuss live music, new CD releases (and maybe a few old favourites), alternative fashion, the London alternative club scene, general goth-dom, films, art, translations that kind of thing. I may post the odd “personal” thing in here, too, but not without warnings, cuts, f-locks that kind of thing!
Interested? Read on, darklings! And feel free to leave comments, I am perfectly happy to discuss things further or even debate things if you disagree with what I have said, who knows, you may even change my mind!
Mit liebe,
Luise Laudanum
*Angelspit are a very influential band for me. I love their medical aesthetics and their harsh, deconstructed Cyber Punk sound, as well as their lyrics which also have a medical theme and deal largely with the superficiality and artifice of modern life. In addition, I also met my boyfriend at a gig of theirs in Newport, so they will always hold a special place in my heart!