Oh yeah. I have a Livejournal.

Oct 24, 2009 09:49

Hello Livejournal, how are you today? Mind if I blather in your ear a bit?

I have a job. A seasonal, money-under-the-table, obtained-through-nepotism type job, but it's quite joblike. Last time I had a retail job, I was 17, and I remember my feet hurting quite as much as they do now. My feet have always sucked. It makes me feel sad. It also makes me seriously miss my cushy desk job, where I could sit in a squishy chair and mess with the internet for about four hours at a time. That job was dependent on my being a student, though, and I am simply Not That anymore. Combination of factors there, which I may explore in more detail in a later post. Short version: Doctor's Orders. The only thing I really miss about that environment was the cushy desk job. Oh, for a cushy feet-putting-up-type desk job. I will aspire to be a secretary. Or something.

My convalescence has been good for my mind but my body's had mixed results. The medications that drove me crazy were also keeping me some big-girl version of slender, so I'm trying to find less destructive ways to get back there. Still, I feel healthier than I did when I was fitting those old jeans, so I'm still pretty happy. More interestingly, I find that the confidence I gained when I realized I could love my body didn't go away when my body changed again. I complain about it a bit, but I'm not trying to hide behind overlarge t-shirts and ill-fitting everything. It's completely a state of mind thing. In any case, I am enjoying October evening bike rides with the boy - only as far and as long as my knees and the ever shorter hours of daylight allow. And then afterward we cook up a mess o' lentils and rice, and I make him play video games from my childhood. It's a system that is working.

Oh, there he is with breakfast and such. I should go do the working thing.

See ya later, Livejournal!
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