So i just went through all my lengthier Doctor Who fics and changed all the pwp ones to friends only. It was something i had been meaning to do for a long time, especially since i started working as a teacher of children. I just...wouldn't want my students' parents to stumble upon it and think that i'm a pervert unworthy of caring for their children. I don't know, i'm not taking it down, but it is very personal to me, i had to really put myself out there to post it, and LJ doesn't feel like a very safe place anymore.
I have been working on and off towards finishing up some of the more prominent WIPs and a sequel to one of my finished works. None of them are there yet but i haven't forgotten them entirely. Every once in a long while i will start typing away at one of them. I cannot promise that these will ever be finished, but i do want to finish them. I feel bad that i haven't,
Incubus in particular. I really had plans for that one when i hit a sudden wall.
Something Blue was kind of ended in an okay spot even though i had a little bit more story to tell.
This week i started on a Twelve/Missy fic that i have mixed feelings about. Ten/Donna are still one of my OTPs, but at this point i fully realize that they are past tense. The show goes on, the Doctor regenerates, and i have accepted that Moff is unlikely to fix Donna, and even if he did, she wouldn't travel in the Tardis again. The glorious days of Ten and Donna in the Tardis together are gone forever. That's part of why i started writing fic for this ship, after all.
I still love Doctor Who, probably even more than when it was Eleven and Amy running together, or Eleven and Clara. I'm surprised by how much i miss Amy and Rory, actually. But Missy...i have embraced wholeheartedly, as those who follow
my tumblr fully know. I'm actually very excited about Doctor Who right now and hopefully will have time to write more in the near future. Hopefully.