
Apr 21, 2012 11:28

It's been a nice week! I've finally had the chance to for a few days just go home after work! Sometimes, that's the best luxury I know, to not have anything planned at all for a few days. To just get to go home, take a shower, put on pyjamas and then relaaxxx~. Oh god I'm getting so old lol!

Yesterday, though, me and my friend D-san headed out for dinner at an indian restaurant and it was suuch a food orgy omg. We had palak paneer and alo gobi, which is my two favorite dishes! ♥ We also tried ginger masala and some kind of tikka balti with chicken. We also had mango chutney, papadams and garlic naan. ohmygod it was so delicious, but I was so full afterwards that I sort of thought I would actually die for a while. It was a lovely evening and we finally had time to just sit and chat for a while. *_*
I was also going to ask you all something. Or, rather, those of you who are not from Sweden. We were talking about prejudices yesterday during dinner and it's an extremely interesting subject - so now I'm curious what prejudices people from all over the world have about Sweden and Swedes! Please, hit me with it - offensive, non-offensive, I am so curious about it and want to know them all!! XDDD

food, rl, ramblings

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