Well i went to Oroville with Amanda to meet her family. WOW. They are crazy little fucks. HAHAHA ya her grandma said that like 30 times. Her dad was nice. We talked about guns and hunting and such. We went to the Oroville visiting center and watched a film on The Fish Hatchery(God damn you amanda(also something from her grandma) making us watch such a thing)
Me and Amanda at the Oroville vissiting center over looking the lake
We spent the first night at her dads and she fell asleep at like 9 leaving me to fend for myself and get pizza for myself as the atmosphere was extremely relaxed. I ended up talking to her dad some more and then went to sleep myself. Then we went to her grandma's house in the morning. Amanda went crazy because she got a grass stain on her Uggz and started a huge fight with her and her dad that i had to sit through making things uncomfortable as i was just meeting her grandma but it didnt turn out to bad. We went to the dollar store and went crazy. We had a sword fight with cheap american flags breacking two of them. Then we got some candy and went to albertsons her grandma got suckered into using a self checkout macine and we spent 30 min trying to ring up our grocries. We finaly got back to her grandma's and got shakey's and i got my own pizza. Then me Amanda and her grandma watched movies. Amanda fell asleep again around 9. Her grandma put her to bed. Then me and her grandma stayed up tell 1 watching movies and i learned alot about Amanda. She had a bottle tell she was five and still drinks from her sippie cup.(she's soooooo cute) Then i went to go get my PJs from Amanda's room. She was asleep in her bed with a rug-rat sippie cup half full with chocolat milk. She was cuter than ever and i couldnt resist giving her a kiss on the cheek and pulling up her blankets. I watch another movie with her crazy grandma then went to sleep. In the morning i made a joke about McMuffins and her grandma actualy made me a homemade one. Amanda and me then played N64 BAD IDEA this was one of the only times she got mad at me. I beat her on Pokemon Staduim and she wouldn't talk to me for almost an hour. Then i was dumb enough to pay her on SSB which she was completly owning me. But then i beat her and killed her once and she wouldnt talk to me again and went to sleep. HUH everyone i play games with is a poor sport god. Any way after we ate more and finaly her dad came to take us home.
So on a final note all went well. Her grandma loved me(more than Amanda HEHEHE) Her grandpa said o was welcome back anytime which was a good sign. Her dad well i think he liked me but not completely sure. All in all good weekend with one more day to spare. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3