Jan 21, 2005 17:53
ok well amanda has changed my layout. It's good except the title. I'm not a douche! I just finished finals which wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I think i failed to P.E final though. Kinda sad but i think everyone had problems with it except the football team. I dyed my hair black well amanda did that too but still. It looks ok i might put pics up on here or just on myspace. For the last couple days I've been at amanda's house, we played the sims but my memory card was to full to save so we waisted a couple hours. It was fun anyway. Oh ya and i was in a movie! but uhh i was the hot girl that ant and gil danced fought over. I'm sure that will be up on a site soon so ill have to post the link in here too. well I'm going to go play sims.