Apr 06, 2007 17:23
So, this is weekend number two in a row that I've been home. It's getting to be quite the habit. Finally I'm home for more than two or three days, which is cool. But now the real problem is how to fill up my week. I know I'm going to Wes's house on Wednesday or Thursday (I say I know, but it's more of a hope) and I have the ACT next Saturday. Any other suggestions I am quite open to.
So, I finally got Linux running off my new external, but it installed itself on the wrong partition, which means I'm going to have to show it exactly what I want, which isn't hard, just a pain. But from what I've seen, Ubuntu seems like it'll be really cool, especially once I get it all worked out with xgl and Beryl.
Next year's classes, especially second semester, are going to kill me:
Fall semester: Brit Lit, Computer Hardware, Java, Calculus III, Physics III, French IV, Photography, MAYBE Probability and Statistics or Chaos Theory
Spring semester: Evolution in Literature, Internet Programming, French IV, Physics III, Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations
We'll see how that goes, yeh?
So, only two or so weeks left in the year. I don't really know how I feel about that. Sure, I'm looking forward to being out of school and it being summer, but at the same time, the majority of my friends are seniors, and I'm really not excited to see them go. I don't know how next year's going to be. There's so much new stuff they're trying out, and I've more or less given up on any new students at school being decent human beings based on the current admission standards.
I need to talk to college counselors, apparently. Meh, I don't think we really have that much to talk about right now. Also, I don't know if distinction is ever going to get worked out.
Wargh wargh wargh. This break would be so much better if the pressure on me the second I got back to school weren't immense.
spring break,
next year