Arg, I hate my brother sometimes. It's not so much what he does as it is his attitude. God, I'm OLDER than him, where did he even get the idea that he can monitor what I do? >.>
Also, I'm getting annnoyed with all the wires that has to be connected into the computers. I can't figure out which ones he unplugged to make my computer not work. So now I"m on his.
But whatever,
Comment on this post and I will choose seven interests from your profile.
You will then explain what they mean/why you are interested in them.
Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
The interests I got from
tsumetaitsubasa were:aang, dj max, hantsuki, last alliance, p!@td, ssbb, and wailing swords
Aang: of the Avatar fame. I forgot I had him on my interests/likes on my profile. Bah, whatever? It's well, a lot of fun cheering him on and watching him grow- from a child to someone who will have to take on the responsibility of saving the world.
dj max: Oh damn, I love this game. Music/rhythm games make me all happy inside. And some of the songs in that game are just beautiful. Too bad I don't have a PSP, or I would be playing it all day long- I have to borrow from my friends. =/
hantsuki: Er, from Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora. I thought the anime was just amazing, even though it was only six episodes long. It's a touching romance between two teens who are stuck in a hospital. Also, you just have to love Rika.♥
Last Alliance: I like their guitar solos. :D
p!@td: AKA Panic!@the Disco. I know they don't have the exclamation mark anymore, but I like it with the mark more than not. I love their songs, 'nuff said. Also, their music videos are really interesting, very different.
ssbb:God, Brawl, I love it so much. The music alone is enough to win me over. Then there's the super smashes and the new characters. For the record, my favourite of the new characters happen to be Pit and ROB. :D I like fighting games?
wailing swords: Basically,
this guy. :D Do I need to say more? It's just because he's so random.XD And his facial features!
CINDY. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? I FEEL LIKE SUCH A PERVY PEDO NOW. THIS IS EVEN WORSE THAN MY INFATUATION WITH RYOMA. I MEAN, AT LEAST HE'S TWELVE. KILLUA'S ONLY ELEVEN! at the beginning of the story. By the way, you win with the best taste in manga; I'm loving Hunter. :D Still not done though, far from it. But I love Killua aready. Also, Kurapika and Hisoka.83
dtn. You have the same birthday as my brother. XD I hope it's a good one~♥