The Official State Vices
Alabama: yelling “ROLL TIDE”!
Alaska: bear-baiting
Arizona: making convicts wear pink underwear
Arkansas: pig-fucking
California: weed
Colorado: fundamentalist Christianity
Connecticut: overuse of SportsCenter catchphrases
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Ether. I had some experience with that. That was in New Jersey, however, which is, in fact, the worst state on the eastern seaboard, and would indeed drive people to huff ether.
That was in New Jersey, however, which is, in fact, the worst state on the eastern seaboard
After I'm done killing you, a lot of my friends list is gonna want a crack at it.
Are you really gonna defend New Jersey? Believe me, it is awful. The axilla of the nation.
I have never been to New Jersey, either, but I have many friends who either live there or are from there, and they seem to think it pretty fine. I'll leave it to them to argue the point.
And in the interest of accuracy, it's "Little Rhody."
And I do stand by my statement about New Jersey. I lived there for four years; I drove around a lot. It's pretty nasty. Let's put it this way: the charming parts are outweighed by the awful parts in the same way that John Wayne Gacy's artistic ability was outweighed by his penchant for kidnapping, raping and brutally murdering small boys.
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