Aug 24, 2005 13:09
Googlism is played. Also played, but still mildly enjoyable if you’re bored past the ability to feel, is running Googlism and then substituting the name of the celebrity newsmaker with a stupid comic book character until it reads like really bad spoken word performance art.
Brother Power the Geek is a man against the odds.
Brother Power the Geek is his father's son.
Brother Power the Geek is no poet.
Brother Power the Geek is America's choice.
Brother Power the Geek is not a steward.
Brother Power the Geek is genuinely born again through Jesus Christ.
Brother Power the Geek is becoming more like Hitler every day.
Brother Power the Geek is as clever as his defenders claim he is.
Brother Power the Geek is definitely an ambiguous figure for us.
Brother Power the Geek is targeting America Online users with interactive banner ads that appear automatically on top of web pages.
Brother Power the Geek is scrambling to find places to save money in his budget.
Brother Power the Geek is not responsible for the increased pace of executions.
Brother Power the Geek is also a member of the Illuminist Satanic secret society.
Brother Power the Geek is trying to modify and moderate his perceived positions on guns.
Brother Power the Geek is a mere puppet.
The Disco Dazzler is not a witch.
The Disco Dazzler is stalking your dog.
The Disco Dazzler is still free.
The Disco Dazzler is one of K-mart’s most important brand partners.
The Disco Dazzler is nothing if not contradictory.
The Disco Dazzler is certainly long overdue.
The Disco Dazzler is my mother.
The Disco Dazzler is somehow better than us.
The Disco Dazzler is getting on Congress' nerves.
The Disco Dazzler is the embodiment of a “strong woman”.
The Disco Dazzler is doing a great job of plastering her face everywhere these days.
The Disco Dazzler is not human.
The Disco Dazzler is not painful.
The Disco Dazzler is the winner of an award she'd probably rather give back.
The Disco Dazzler is the chairman and chief executive officer of The Disco Dazzler Living Omnimedia LLC.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are enjoying Sundance to the hilt.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are the most hysterical non-celebrity celebrities ever.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are used to being the belles of the ball wherever they go.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are really taking this modeling thing seriously.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are…what the?
Congo Bill & Congorilla are in an ideal location for both.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are situated only one block from the seine river.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are ready for their close-ups.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are perfect clients for the Bongwater Brothers.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are the beneficiaries of a “makeunder”.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are really pretty.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are located practically at the base of the Eiffel Tower.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are cold.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are hysterical.
Congo Bill & Congorilla are giving head.