Guh! Trickyfish!

May 01, 2003 14:15

[ mood | horny
[ music | Rumpshaker ]

I didn't read anybody commenting:

KSS1079: First I'd like to say that I'm scarred for life thanks to Lance and his corner makeout sessions (at one point I thought he was kissing assured there was a girl in between them)...along with his VERY public display of affection on the platform thing with that girl he was dancing with. I do not know that I will EVER get that vision out of my head. It is permanently burned into my memory bank. All I have to say is Lance is definitely at his sexual peak. Anyone else who was there knows what I mean.

Chris......said that he was going home to get naked because that is what he likes to do when he goes home..he likes to get naked. This led to my best friend grabbing & kissing him in the middle of Orange Ave. Good times! LOL!

First off, my friend was drunk out of her mind and said her face was numb and she couldn't feel it. Sucks to be her! LOL
Second, I wouldn't consider myself lucky to have witnessed Lance's behavior. It grosses me out to watch Lance exude his sexuality in public...don't ask me why. I like Lance and think he's cute but something in the way he kisses and rubs all over girls just really nauseates me.

Third, the whole naked comment came up because I had asked him to tell his sister to call me and literally wrote him a reminder which he put in his pocket and then he said "honestly, I probably won't remember because I'm going home to get naked....because that's what I like to do when I get home. I like to get naked." My friend LOVES Chris so when he said naked twice in front of her she could no longer contain herself so she said "oh, really?" and grabbed him and kissed him LMAO. It was really very humorous. The funniest thing of all is that he was so drunk he didn't even react to the kiss..he just went right on talking LOL.

DirrtyK: LOL...yes, I too am forever emotionally tramautized..I found myself back to back with Lance during his little tongue rassle with that little girl, I couldn't watch for long periods of time for I could feel the chunks rising. And THANK YOU, I thought I was going crazy there for a second, I couldve sworn Chris and Lance kissed too, maybe it was the vodka...or wishful thinking?!?
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