[ mood | scared
Olhem o que li no JJB agora (uma board, ou lista de discussão/fórum que participo):
my teacher said that homosexuals are not born gay "they've all just been raped at some point in their lives cause you can't be born gay" ...
his exact words were..."don't come up to me and try to tell me your lame ass @#%$ cause I have the highest degree in this @#%$ world. You don't have the facts cause you spend all your time masturbating and sucking your thumb...read a book you @#%$!"
E pelo jeito a maior parte concorda que:
well i don't agree with the raped part, but people aren't born gay... it's a choice they make... and anyone who believes in "god" should know that cuz two guys can't make a baby so um yeah neither can two women for that matter.
Gente, isso é surreal.
Harvard deve ser moleza. LOL