The Hub - Day Two (John's Talk) "Tranny Fiction"

Oct 31, 2008 16:30

I am a lazy bitch. But I've typed up John's Q and A session now!

So, John's Q and A session. Made. of. awesome. John's just so lovely, and he has a great attitude, especially to his fame. So the little intro video plays (we saw this A LOT of times over the weekend) and John comes out *giggle*

He gets to the stage and the first thing he says is: 'I didn't realise it was so long. Never thought I'd say that!' I just wish I could remember what he was talking about. I remember he kind of tripped one time he came onto the stage *giggle* so maybe this was when he tripped. Anyway, then he gave a sort of cheeky half bum flash, which I couldn't see because we were sitting back in the standard seats *grumble*. But this wasn't the only time he treated us to a cheeky flash *giggle*.

So, first he was asked about the differences between Jack in Doctor Who and Jack in Torchwood. He replied that the writers are the ones who maker the difference. Jack is not a main character in Doctor Who (as much as Ruth and I would love him to be *hugs Ruth*), he's a follower so he behaves differently. John believes that Jack in Doctor Who is lighter than he is in Torchwood - because he's not in charge, he doesn't have the same responsibilities.

Then he was asked why he picked 'You'll Think of Me' by Keith Urban to record for his album. I don't know which album, Ruth'll know. She is the Master (Mistress?) of the Barrowman. And I don't know this song. Lol, I fail. Anyway, John said that he likes Keith Urban (is this the guy who's married to Nicole Kidman? He's a bit skanky, she could do better), and he likes the style and the words. Then he gave some tips on holding asses microphones to the dude who was asking the questions (was his name Paul? I don't fucking know, haha. I'm pretty sure all my attention was on the guests all weekend, I wasn't paying attention to the question people).

Then he was asked if he'd do more musicals in the future. John said that he'd been offered a role in Barnum (haha, sounds.... interesting....yeah....) but he thought the time wasn't right to go back to musicals just yet. Maybe the time would be right in another 3 - 4 years? Apparently, he's into producing at the moment - and he flitted off to LA on the Sunday to meet some people about producing a show out there or something. Also, he said he turned down nine shows last year. Apparently, Scott said 'Don't do it, 'coz I never see you when you're on stage.' And John said 'Gotta keep him happy, 'coz he makes me happy.' Awww...

Then there was a question about who he'd want to play on stage or something, to which he replied, Don Q in Man of La Mancha. Because he's nuts. Then he was talking about some sort of helmet, he couldn't remember the name of it. He said something about asking a queen, because he'd know for sure. Then a woman shouted out the right answer and John said 'If you were a man, you'd be gay.' Then he said something about playing a whore everybody loves, but I didn't catch the name of the character. And he said he played a priest in college - there were lots of lolz about this.

Then he was asked why he spoke in his American accent when his Scottish one is so lovely. (Which made me roll my eyes a little, because OMG haven't you read his book? A little research? No? Okay then.) Anyway, John mentioned the fact that he was made fun of for his Scottish accent when he was young in America, so he's always been more comfortable using his American accent. But he told us that he's a Brit at heart.

Next he was asked if he found his fame hard to handle. He loves it. He said why should he be an asshole to the people who've helped him get there. The man loves his fans. =D

Then he was asked what his favourite Jack death is. John likes the way Jack dies in series three. He said it was 'Pretty bleep awesome!' but he wouldn't go into any more detail because we'd all be on the internet saying that he said all these things - half of which probably wouldn't be true. He made us all crack up with his impression of a spoiler nerd (OMG LIKE MEEE!). LIKE OMG HE SAID THIS AND THEN HE SAID THIS! And miming typing on a keyboard. Oh I love this man =D Anyway, then John said all mysteriously that he was on 'some of the sites' and that he'd probably even talked to a few of us. To which I thought, 'Shit, if he's read what I've written about him and Gareth on my LJ I will die!' Also, he and Prince William have the same lawyer - 'A prince and a queen!' and their profiles are cloned the most on Facebook.

Then he was asked what the most bizarre untrue thing he'd ever read about himself was. He was all 'I won't go there!' But he told us there were some very rude things - that apparently his family had seen. His niece apparently asked him about it once and he said 'Go ask your mother'. He also said something about a 'lazy susan' which has a few meanings according to the Urban Dictionary. I giggled. A lot. Then he said he was all for a good fantasy - like 'transfixion?', 'tranny fiction?', 'fan fiction!' Haha!

Then he was asked about his dogs. He did a cute little impression and said that his dog, Captain Jack 'loves to lie on his back and have his nuts tickled - just like big Jack!' Then he said 'I'm talkin' about cashews!' when we all started giggling. The he told the amazingly cute story of how he and Scott got their new puppy, Harris. John blindfolded Scott (and apparently Scott was a little excited by where they could be going. John said they were going to someone's house and Scott was all 'Oh yeah?') and took him to a house in 'Splott, or Sploe,' put the puppy into his arms and took of the blindfold. Then Scott cried. I'm pretty sure even I teared up at this, it was just so sweet. And then John explained why the new puppy is named Harris. In Scotland, there is an island called Lewis (the name of John and Scott's old dog, for those who don't know) and an island called Harris really near it. The two islands are connected by a road called Scott. Isn't this so fucking cute? OMG. This was probably when everyone in the audience melted.

Then he was asked how Captain Jack's coat survives such brutal punishment *giggle*. He said they made six of them for each series - and that they were very expensive. And he mentioned that the coats are going on tour, with the Doctor Who exhibition I presume. Then he said he had one made for himself, to keep and he does the hoovering in it. Someone also asked why Jack wore a belt and braces - to which he said that it's how it used to be done, and that it was an 'old farming thing'. Anyway, he likes the look of it.

Then he was asked if he'd consider taking over presenting Strictly Come Dancing from Brucie. John would love to have a career like Bruce's, and he'd also love to host if he was ever asked. Then he mentioned he'd tutored Mark Foster that week and was all enthusiastic about his body: 'What a body! He has pecs like mountains!' Then he urged us all to vote that evening, because Mark would dance in his Speedo if he stayed in the competition long enough. John was very excited at this prospect.

He was then asked if he likes to watch TV. OMG JOHN LOVES TV. He's even thinking of getting a TV in the bathroom *cue giggles*. He loves Lost, sci fi, Entourage and Family Guy (which made me squee, I love that show! I have a bit of a crush on Seth MacFarlane and his lovely singing voice, omg). He thinks it's important to be able to laugh at yourself. And he likes to watch himself on tv. 'HEY, IT'S ME ON TELLY!'

Then he was asked how he found acting with the green screen.  John has no problem acting with the green screen. He brought up Jack's scenes with Rose on the ship in front of Big Ben in The Empty Child. He said, just play the scene and it will work out.

Then he was asked if he enjoyed driving the porsche in Torchwood series three. John revealed that the car actually belongs to Jack, and that he gets it during series three. Also, the car is actually one of John's collection (he has six). Also, he revealed that his driver Sean (OMG HE TOUCHED YOU WITH HIS BACK, LOUISE!) actually appears in a couple of scenes in series three - as a woman. Then he made Sean do his 'woman skip' for the audience. Then John said that the gay was obviously rubbing off on him. Apparently he tells Sean to 'think gay' whenever he's out shopping for him. Then he said 'I don't want George (Asda) on my back! I'd rather have Ralph!'

Then he was asked who has had the biggest influence on his life. His parents.

Then he was asked for his views on reality television. John said he prefers to call them entertainment shows because reality shows are all about people searching for fame - entertainment shows are all about entertaining, not blackmail and bitching and drama. He predicts that in 2010 there'll be another musical themed one, because a little break is needed.

Then he was asked what he thought he could do better than anyone else he knew - apart from the obvious *giggle* John said 'You want me to be honest? SING!' Then someone shouted at John to show us his bum. Haha.

Then I think someone said that John would have to go pretty soon, because he'd overrun. And he said 'Gareth can wait!'

Next, he was asked how he got into acting. John said it was in 1989 when he was in Anything Goes. And that, touch wood, he'd be acting for a long time yet (or something). When he said 'touch wood' he put his hand on his crotch. When everyone laughed he said that his mother does that too. 'It's a really big closet, and I came out of it!' Then he said he's really happy right now, and there's nothing else he wants to do. He thinks it's important to have goals and dreams.

Then  he was asked, if he could act opposite any person alive or dead, who would it be? He chose Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston as the living ones - and Gene Kelly and Joan Crawford as his deceased ones. He said Joan'd be all over him *giggle* and he'd have to keep telling her to get off him all the time! 'GET OFF, JOAN!'

Then it was time for the final question. He was asked that, if Torchwood ended tomorrow, what would his lasting memory of the show be? Someone in the audience shouted out 'Naked hide and seek!' to which he replied 'Who told you?' He said that the show has changed his life - and he'd fondly remember conventions and the fans...'but it ain't gonna end.' Then he stood up, ready to leave the stage and said he had a little teaser for series three: 'You get to see me naked!' Cue squee. Then he left the stage.

Coming up next: Gareth, Kai and Naoko take the stage. Gareth propositions Naoko, Kai loves McFly, and the important question of who wins the battle of the text message pictures.

Links to previous report posts:
Part One - Day One "Unexpected Charles and Di!"
Part Two - Day Two "To Lucy from Margate"

torchwood, the hub report, the hub, john barrowman's arse

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