On making this journal friends-only

Dec 12, 2005 02:16

Recenrly, it's been drawn to my attention by a variety of sources (running the gamut from Dear Abby to the experiences of friends) that there are surprisingly thorough web archives available of pretty much anything that's currently being posted on the internet. Thus, any drivel I might decide to post here in this journal, no matter how ephemerally, is in practice available forever.

While on principle I don't post things that I would construe as being very personal or potentially offensive, I still see a big difference between giving the random websurfer the chance to view my writings today, and putting something up on an indelible slate for all perpetuity. What I find wholly unembarassing now might be awkward to have publically available in ten years, or fifty.

Thus, I've made the decision to make this journal friends-only, that is, to make it viewable only to a list of people whom I have previously approved, effectively preventing representation on any archives. If you're not already on said "friends" list, but you'd like to read the very occasional posts (recipes, obnoxious quizzes, and other quotidiana) that end up here, sign up for a free account with http://www.livejournal.com if you don't already have one, and then post here asking me nicely. I can virtually guarantee that I will grant any requests to add you to my "friends" list, and then, congratulations, you will magically be granted access to an assortment of minutiae that are probably much more boring that you'd expect given that I want to restrict access to them.

I hope this isn't too inconvenient for anyone, but it does do wonders for quelling my paranoia.
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