Everyone's Coming Down w/ The Cov

Jan 26, 2024 15:43

I just got the news that Reese & Sleep both caught Covid this week.

Reese had it really bad last year at this time and it fucked up her system for over 9 months and may have contributed to other issues that required surgery! She was just so fucking sick. We barely saw her at all.

This time around Sleep has it worse, but maybe that's because Reese's immune system finally beat the darned thing and has better defenses now. I was supposed to go down to Portland this weekend with Rhonda, but I demurred (not enough notice to get an appointment with SS for my sister) and now I'm glad I couldn't go. My immune system cannot take another bullshit hit right now. I'm finally out of the doldrums created from getting it several times in '22. It took over a damned year!

I'm hoping Sleep doesn't have issues that last for months like so many of us have had to contend with. That would suck. And also-? I fucking miss those guys! I mean, I barely saw them last year. I don't want to not see them for another year.

It also means I have to make other plans for that Social Security appointment with my sister! I've been talking to Amara, and she and her roomie are both really good with me staying with them for whatever time I need. So--! I think I'll have to make arrangements that way rather than rely upon my friends who keep getting socked with viral infections!

covid-19, tribe

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