Everyone's heard the saying, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," right?
Well, studies show that power corrupts those who were already assholes, but it makes nice people even nicer. The real saying should be: "Power enables you to be your truest self, so if you're a dick when you get power, you were already a dick and maybe hid it before."
Check out this article:
getpocket.com/explore/item/why-power-brings-out-your-true-self Power over others allows your truest self out-- and that is what power does to you. It FREES you.
It basically vindicated what I've already learned from my own forays into power-- because I had it for 10 years as Priestess of a pagan Circle. I didn't abuse my power. If anything, I was scrupulously careful to be as fair and just as I could be. I got accused of being power mad only by those who later showed they themselves had tendencies leaning in the 'corruptible' direction.
The saying always bugged me though, it was used against me like a weapon by people trying to undermine me, and it mystified me how anyone could honestly think (not to manipulate) that I was this scary, dangerous person once I had power. Clearly, they were cases of projection; they knew they themselves would abuse others if they were free to do so, so they feared me doing what they would do-- not able to comprehend that I was actually morally superior to them and incapable of abusing others!
Further, in my silly fantasies, I use my power to build schools and help women who are abused by men and that type of thing-- I only use any magickal powers to get rid of evil people who are still out and free to do their evil in the world. If I had power, I would make the world a better place, it is clear! I'm one of the ennobled ones. I've had this theory tested, and so I've proven it to myself under real world conditions.
But it remains true that some people, humbled by circumstances, LONG TO ABUSE OTHERS when they don't get their way. (Case in point: el Presidente Trumpo!) Those people get any taste of power and they turn into the assholes they were hiding under the surface to avoid punishment all along. And I saw that dynamic play out for some people as well. Like Heather from the Circle, or Wacita. They lost their shit as soon as they got the slightest power and began acting like petty tyrants.
Which is another reason I became a leader to begin with-- I knew I wouldn't be tempted to petty bullshit like that. I would rather not lead, but who else would make the group I wanted? And then... after I tried it, I realized I loved to teach and that having a position where I was respected and was needed/wanted by others felt amazing. I felt a part of a community, and I was a great leader! My biggest problem was lack of confidence in meeting unscrupulous types who wanted to manipulate me to get their way.
Someday again, I'd like to try leadership. When things have settled a bit and our home is comfortable, I'd like to take on another vanity project that feeds a need for myself and others. It's a lot of work, but my intentions are noble, and I can feel good about that!