The Extreme Makeover: Home Edition people are building a new home close to our community and Ty decided that since the son of the family was such a big Godzilla fan they would demolish the old home with a cool trickked out backhoe type thing that looked like Godzilla. Hopefully this leads you to a link. I just thought it was cool, and that some of you (ok - mostly D.J.) would appreciate it. Also I am starting to get more involved with the children's theatre here and I am going to be running some of the auditions for Little Shop of Horrors this Monday.
I also got a part time job for Christmas at Target for the holidays because I like the store and think it will be fun. I need to get out of the house more anyhow, and I won't mind the discount either.
and... (I guess I have a lot of news!) I am going to a big Christmas market tomorrow with Andy's Mom and I'm very excited about it. I love Christmas festivals and even though this one may turn out to be rainy and cold we are going with a big group of folks from Lana's church who are all very nice, sweet people. It should be fun.
After the overload of Sarah Palin interview snippets on tv today my eyes ache from rolling them so hard. I wish that I had one of those "I have a crush on Obama" buttons that Gwyneth Paltrow wore in her photo shoot for Harper's Bazaar. Actually I wish I had an Obama t-shirt too although wearing it would invoke more ire from my mother in law. It is VERY hard to live in a home with two people whose political leanings lean so incredibly far from yours. It makes me terribly sad that there is no one here to share in the Obama glow. I have a whole stash of magazines with him on the cover that I pore through when no one is looking. ;)