Private entry

Jul 21, 2009 22:47

We are back from our trip!

The trip in and of itself was a lot of fun.  I saw a lot of things [as always], bought a few antique books [a first-edition biography of the history of the Camaro Knights - fascinating!] and actually, the clothier in the shop in Vinay del Zexay had some new robes in that were made of lighter material so they're perfect for the weather here.  Esmerelda was a great help there - she has a better eye for material and style than I do.

I also bought myself a swimsuit.  Nothing fancy, just a nice black suit with crimson flowers all over it.  I noticed that he had a lot of two-piece ones, but I think the one-piece ones are far more modest.  Her Majesty also bought a dark red one piece,, it's sort of low-cut in the front.  But she is pretty enough to be able to pull off that look, and the two of us had a lot of fun trying different things on.  I feel a little bad that I never really had the friends to do that with when I was younger...

I had a long talk with Wyatt.  It was interesting for him to reveal to me that he had been involved with Lo Hak, and some part of me felt a pang of jealousy.  I didn't say it at the time, but it's good that [I] know this - someone said to me that if you have to divide your affections between two people, then you're really not being the best person you can be to either.  I advised him that he should be honest about his memories to Lo Hak.  Some part of me had hoped that I would have a chance to express to him how much I enjoy our friendship, but he was in need of an ear to listen to, and I was more than happy to provide that.  He was kind enough to foot the tab for the rest of the evening, and I'll admit - I'm a cheap date.  I had two bloody marys, and then I spent the rest of the night drinking club soda while Wyatt knocked back tankard after tankard of ale.  What a stomach that man has - he was as sober as a judge by the time we left.  He was nice enough to walk us back to the room I was sharing with Her Majesty.

It was our conversation - mostly about Lo Hak - that caused me to think of my own relationship with Lelei.  It has been a long time since I've honestly thought about her - we kept in touch for a long time after the war, but slowly we lost contact with one another.  I was very fond of her, in more ways than one, but time and circumstance came between us.  I will always have a place in my heart for her warmth and companionship, but since I've been here, it seems as if that's another place, another time in my life.  I'm here, and I'm now, and at some point, I will open up to Wyatt the way he opened up to me.  I will just wait until the time is right.  I've learned that if you force things, you lose far more than you would stand to gain.

All in all, Vinay del Zexay was very enlightening.  I learned much about others, and more about myself.  And it gave me an idea of how...of what I want to do in regards to Wyatt.

In any event, it's time for me to go to bed.  I really do want to get into my new book tomorrow, and while I enjoyed the food while I was away, there's something about oatmeal muffins from the cafe that you just can't reproduce anywhere else, and if I don't get there early enough, I know for a fact Nikea will have eaten them all in advance of her training.  [When we were at Ceras Lake, it was hard to get any sort of breakfast item from the cafe...]

wyatt, arshtat

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