A Strategist's Thoughts...

Mar 21, 2009 13:23


There are a fair number of reasons for that.  Good and bad.  I guess I'll put the bad reason first.

I guess people are still waiting to see what will be done with the Queen.  And she's not asked for any sort of assistance in regards to this matter.  I know that long ago, when I signed on to be her Strategist, I vowed two things:  One, that I would always be as truthful as I could be and two, that I would stand by her no matter what the outcome of her decisions were.  I want to do what I can for her, but I don't know if she realizes that once people get over the fact that she's recovering from her injuries, that there very well may be a trial.  Even if she doesn't need me to be ready for that eventuality, I realize that I must be.  And so, I've spent a lot of time in the library.  Not that I don't already spend a good deal of time in the library, but now my reading is more for a purpose than for just entertaining myself.  Although, some of the histories I've seen of the old Kingdom of Highland are more than fascinating...

And that sort of brings me to the good - everytime I find myself reading [well, more studying than anything], I always manage to bump into Wyatt.

I know, I know.  It's not secondary school, and I feel almost...well, no.  I've never been in a situation where I've felt awkward, because awkward is a matter of perception.  But when he's around, I suddenly feel not as if I'm someone with just as much experience in this life [or lives] as he does, it seems my brains turn into boiled cornmeal and I have no clue on how to carry on a mature conversation with him.

To quote some of the younger residents - it's so dumb.

Anyway, it's never a dull moment when he's around, that's for sure.  And he is a rather...down to earth sort, which is good for a 'down to earth' sort of girl like me.  Even if I was raised and educated in Harmonia, I really am a Grasslands girl at heart.  And...maybe that's what I see in him - he did spend so long in the Grasslands after he left Zexen...

You know something else - it's been a long time since I've been 'just a girl from the Grasslands'.  I've always been the Strategist.  And while I love what I do, and I enjoy helping people, and I enjoy the learning and the research, I've not really been 'Lucretia, that girl from the Grasslands' in a long time.

I should resolve to find that girl from the Grasslands again, and maybe then I'll get over my occasional awkwardness.

wyatt, update, arshtat

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