an imp from new orleans

Feb 04, 2007 12:15

no matter how hard i try, sometimes i can't repair a rip in reality. gentle readers, i emplore you to help me decipher the map, pick the right turn...
me & the boi were talking nicely through our communication breakdown, almost on the same page, at least in the same chapter of thoughts ya know...back on track for recording, after what a whole year it feels like?? i was, am slated today to trac the rest of my 37 originals, or at least as many as i slog through before disruptions, kind of a learning trac for the rest of the then an imp ~mw~ calls.
now i don't know this cat thru & thru, but i do read vibes & i do recall how shitty past exchanges had been, some of his peeps into the worng tea & just bad attitude use you kind of folks. i mean, he's not evil, but has a shadowy there he's calling at 1130 last nite outta new orleans, a place yes i want to live but where i know i died once, so it's already gotta creepy groove, cue the creaky door sound here dear readers, teheheh....
& he's offering gigs or a band position or whatever false comeons to boi, now, true, other than maybe 3 other cats in this world, ha dean You know you're one, BOI is the best. so he merits this call. what is so wrong is i as i foolishly voice my opinion of the situtation, ie that it's caca & no hook up for US but just him & go do it anyway but LOOK OUT i can't wait another Year, yo...boi's screamin back at me, an the whole thing feels like hell, and he's hot to go to no like a cheerleader in the football players back seat....
so what do I do, hmmm.
your opinion please gentle readers, mizz cleo's on vacation & my inner radar on the blink.
i can't book gigs if boi's not here, not for a duo anyhow. i can't build a solo draft without killing our vibe. i can't wait forever.
now i don't own him, this isn't possesiveness, yo....just a how do i keepo my mouth shut & see my best friend off on a fools errand? well maybe not foolish for him tho. huge cheshire sigh...were it not for the cold i'd split for philly & think this through, but above all things, i chicken out about cold. it twists my back like a celtic knot, maybe the spine curl makes the normal shiver release impossible, tehehe, but the lower muscles make me whimper...
this all feels soul chilly too.
ahhh, maybe the tension will aid the tracking, fuel for heartache songs. but i'd like to dig a cherry jingle.....i did read once in a jewel of a book that "if the blues fall off you you cannot play" (christopher moore, very hilarious read ya'll)
......ha, so i'm gonna be playin forever.
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