Jan 24, 2007 00:47
how cheezy is that., i gotta figure out premier to run this press kit notion & i'm too chickenshit to try the html, tehehehe. oh well, i gotta plate full. 3 jobs, figuring out my new guitar rig, after i pay for joplin, gotta have this lefthanded fender acoustic no matter what now, some wack bond.....wrote most of the new albulm on it, warm sound but impractical for the long road...how am i to figure that out, btw, the long road an intangible mountain, felt more than clear to see...still compelled to strain ahead with the philanthropic & throwing in my last change on fixing up the home studio but man oh man somedays you just wanna split, pack cats into the back of a junker with your guitar & blow this popcicle stand, i know i'm gonna catch nothing but slack from the community to support my philanthropic overtures, hell we can't even get a reply from the folks we wanna help most of the time...and the tour, recording costs, all on my lotto ticket, or next year of servitude to the man at all hours...cheshire sigh. i read a friend's recalling of a lost one & think how fucked up it all is, and yet
i have to try. blind faith. scared to look, or no need to look?
a little of both.
blessings & light gentle readers