Feb 24, 2006 23:06
This is quick entry before I get to reading Marriages and Families- what a class. I love Sociology; it is interesting and oh- so- easy. If you ever need a minor, (or a major, if you plan on grad school) may I suggest Sociology?
I spent the last hour making up my schedule for the fall semester. I thought I'd have to take a summer course, but it looks like I can comfortablly graduate next spring without. That is such a relief- soccer, work, and vacation bible school would be hard to balance with a class besides. There will time to do some research too, and maybe TA a class.
Can we just talk about the fact that in one year I will graduating??? I should be looking at graduate schools, but I am not sure what I want to do yet. Maybe community counseling, maybe guidance counseling... I want to work with children or adolescents, and I want to do counseling, not testing and evaluations all day, which what is School Psychology is. After taking this Assessing Individual Differences class, I can safely say that I do not want to be wrapped up in assessment and testing and evaluations and statistics and blah! I hate this class, which is wonderful, because it makes me sure of what I do NOT want to do.
I am not sure where I want to be in a year from now geographically, either. I am learning to have faith and instead of trying to map out my life, trust in God. For the first time in my life I am approaching problems and uncertainties with prayer. It started out as a bit of an experiment; I wasn't sure if anything would change. I figured it couldn't hurt. Now, I am learning more about God and more about myself than I even knew I was missing. Things are all falling into place, and I am amazed by the things that God is doing in my life. I am happier than ever.
Adding to my joy is this CD I am listening to right now. It is a country mix I made probablly two or three years ago. It is filled with songs I haven't heard in forever, and I am singing to every one. Each one makes me say "Oh I haven't heard this in song in so long! I LOVE this song!!"