Wishes DO come true!!! :D

Aug 18, 2008 13:54

They really really do!!

Mine came true via TS Fay!! :D

Last week I was really bummed that summer was almost over. I wished that there was one more month of summer and I put it in my Status Message thing on AIM. A few days later, I put one up saying "Ok, maybe a WEEK more?" and I TOTALLY GOT IT!! :D

Due to Tropical Storm Fay, I don't have school tomorrow!! AND due to my awesome scheduling skills, I do not have school on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, so I didn't have to go to school today anyways!! :D So yeah, that is the deal! :)

Right now, it's really calm over here. It's been raining on and off and I'm not worried at all. My grandma called because she was worried for us, but we're all ok. Mom and Dad are at work and I'm still in my PJs. Dan is in his room lounging on his bed listening to the Gorillaz.

Oh! Because I'm awesome like this, here: My DeviantArt Account I feel like I've been neglecting this journal artwise, so here is all the stuff that I've been doing! :D Check it out and I will be happy lol

But yeah... so I'm cool with this storm stuff... How are you guys doing?

life, school, hurricane

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