Write, Rewrite...Sketch, then repeat...

Apr 14, 2009 21:13

Been feeling under the weather the past few days. My rheumatoid arthritis really bothers me when it's cold, damp and generally blah outside. I'll be so glad once Mother Nature makes up Her mind. It's allergy season, too, so I'm having a really great time

Anyway, been jotting down notes for the various projects I'm working on. My gracious beta Mandy sent me her comments on one of my drafts. I love how she slips in her comments amid all the grammar and stylistic corrections. I edit her stuff too, so we've gotten used to each other's ideosyncrasies.

This past weekend, I went over to Binders Arts & Crafts, one of the better art supply stores. It's on the other side of town, so I don't get to go there often. It's one of the few places that sells ink sticks for Chinese calligraphy, and not just the liquid black sumi-e ink. Got a packet of postcard-sized watercolor paper for some sumi-e mini-paintings. My hands haven't been up to painting much, but I have been working on sketches.

I'm mostly a landscape/still life artist, though I've been working on drawing people. Drawing people is still pretty hard, but I'm working on it. I did some SGA sketches that I wasn't too thrilled with. (Beckett's hair! Sheppard's hair! ARGH!) Funnily enough, my sketch of Teyla didn't turn out half bad. I might snap a shot of it and post it sometime.

I also did a few sketches of my Star Trek Enterprise AU Switcheroo Series. Basically, the premise is same crew in different ship positions, in a different universe. I'm in the process of rewriting the series' to fit a new timeline...stay tune for details.

Gotta get some sleep. Till later...


chinese calligraphy, sumi-e, allergies, star trek, beta, art, au, sga, switcheroo series, enterprise, binders, art supply stores, sketches

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