At least I don't sound like a frog anymore...

Apr 29, 2010 21:35

 Mostly, anyway.

I've been sick for most of this week. Michael brought home a bug that hit all of us pretty hard. Even Hubs came home early from work on Mon, because he wasn't feeling well and that hardly ever happens. (Mr. Workaholic). Michael missed both days of the Special Olympics and and had to be sent home from school on Tues. So it's been a really fun week. At least my appetite's come back with a vengeance (after nearly 2 days of having no desire to eat anything). Now if I can lose the cough, I should be OK.

My joints have been aching ever since the weather changed again. It feels like early March instead of late April/early May. I think Mother Nature has PMS. The meds. help a bit, but the side effects are a b!tch and a half.

I've been busy with my fics...updated my fanfic archive here with several ENT fics and new chapters of my stories on ff,net. Eagerly awaiting the next episode of the new Dr. Who series. I seriously miss the Tenth Doctor (and David Tennant) but I do like Eleventh (and Matt Smith). The new Companion, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) rocks!  Smart, sassy and can hold her own. When I was sick, I watched the blooper reels from all seasons of ENT, Doctor Who (series 2-4) and Torchwood (Series 1-2. I absolutely don't care for Children of Earth, and like ENT's "These are the Voyages", CoE doesn't exist in my personal canon. Sue me.). Humor helps a lot in dealing with the pain. That and watching the Mythbusters blow crap up.

And, HA! Myth confirmed: women DO have a higher pain tolerance than men. Hubby had to eat humble pie on Wednesday.

And quote of the week, from watching some of Top Gear's "Stars in our Reasonably Priced Car" videos on BBC America: "You're a more handsome version of Richard Hammond!" (Jeremy Clarkson to David Tennant). Aw, I think Hammond's pretty cool. I'd feel sorry for James May, and chuck Jeremy out an airlock for being so damn annoying.

Thank God it's Friday! And my little guy turns 7 years old on Saturday! Time flies!


sick, fanfic, torchwood, doctor who, writing, ra, star trek enterprise, amy pond, 11th doctor, mythbusters, 10th doctor, top gear

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