Icon meme!

Apr 13, 2010 17:52

Icon meme snurched from cedarrapidsgirl

01. How do you feel right now?

02. What's your favourite pastime?

03. Do you consider yourself a strange person?

You tell me...

04. What's your main fandom?

05. OTP?

06. How do you describe yourself?

07. What's your favourite icon to use that's not default?

08. Do you have an icon of your future husband/wife?

 or this guy...

09. Do you have a WTF icon?

10. How do you feel towards love?

11. Saddest icon?

Thought I had it, but I don't...it was from a screencap of the Enterprise ep where Trip finally breaks down about his sister's death and T'Pol was there to comfort him. I gotta find it again...

12. Happiest icon?

13. Crackiest icon?

meme, icon

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