Icon meme part deux!

Jan 05, 2010 11:15

Did this once before, but w/different icons....

1. Reply to this post with 'ICONS!', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

Here are the onesx_erikah_x picked for me:

Hoshi Sato (Star Trek Enterprise), linguist and comm officer extraordinaire. icon byafterglowss I was originally trained as a foreign language/ESL teacher, so I share a lot with this character.

Teyla Emmagan/Carson Beckett (Stargate Atlantis). One of my favorite 'ships, ever since I saw "Critical Mass" in season 2. I think these two would balance each other out nicely. And I've heard that Paul McGillion would've liked to have seen this on the show! My SGA Big Bang Story "Through a Cracked Glass" featured these two in a relationship in 2 different universes.  icon byalyburn

Self-explanatory. LOL! XD John Sheppard seems to get his share of bad days, the poor thing, not the least being transformed into a bug. icon by savvich

I stumbled over this one. My husband jokes that I can't resist giving books a good home. And if I see a bookstore, I forget he exists. Plus I'm a Firefly fan and I love Kaylee. icon by dzerlayd.

T'Pol (Star Trek Enterprise) in a TOS blue science outfit, her hair in a beehive and reading a PADD. I love this icon. It's by ivymae at her site Enterprise Oddities. She has some pretty cool art, the ENT crew in a kinda manga style. 

meme, star trek enterprise, icon, sga

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