Fanfic cliches meme!

Jan 04, 2010 12:59

 Meme snurched from mijan

How many of these cliches' have I written??? (Main fandoms: Star Trek Enterprise and Stargate Atlantis)

Genderswap: No.
Bodyswap: No. 
Drunk!fic: I wrote one where Malcolm Reed drank a Klingon under the table..
Huddling together for warmth: Yes.
Undercover in a gay bar: No. (though, that's an idea...)
Pretending to be married: No. (another one...)
Secretly a virgin: No.
Amnesia: Yes
Partial amnesia. Yes
Cross-dressing: No.
Forced to share a bed: No. (another plot hippo!)
Aliens made them do it: No (another one!)
Wingfic: No.
Mpreg: No (not my cup of tea, actually)
Mistakenly assumed to be gay: No. (See #5)
Let's play truth or dare: No. (Plot hippo!)
Mary Sue fic: Yes, but not in ENT.
Aphrodisiacs: Um...*whistles innocently*
Curtain fic: Is this the same as deathfic? If so, yes. If not, no..
Hurt/Comfort: Yes.
Apocalypse fic: Yes.
Someone has a baby: No.
Baby!fic: Nope
Telepathic soulbonding: Yes.
Werewolves mate for life: No.

*beats off the plot hippos with a stick, for now. May come back to them later, though.*


meme, star trek enterprise, fanfic, writing

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