Favorite characters meme...

Oct 31, 2009 08:41

Snurched from many. Here goes.

1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.

2) Have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.

3) When someone guesses correctly, strike through the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.

(A * next to a fandom indicates two favorite characters).

1) Stargate atlantis* Carson Beckett and Teyla Emmagan
2) Star Trek Enterprise* Malcolm Reed and Hoshi Sato
3) Mythbusters
4) Silent Moebius (anime)
5) Star Trek XI (half right) Uhura and who else???
6) Heralds of Valdemar Series* (by Mercedes Lackey)
7) Stargate SG-1* (half-right)  Daniel Jackson and who else???
8) Honor Harrington Series (Science fiction by David Weber) Honor Harrington
9) Star Trek TOS* 
10) Star Trek DS9
11) Torchwood
12) Top Gear
13) Sanctuary  Dr. Helen Magnus
14) MacGuyver (OK, this one dates me...) Angus McGuyver
15) Ghostbusters (this too...)
16) Star Wars* (half right) Han Solo

All right, how many can you guess right? 
Any other guesses??


meme, star trek enterprise, st reboot, torchwood, star trek, sg-1, sga

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