Another meme....

Oct 27, 2009 08:11

Snurched from kicksav29 and cedarrapidsgirl

Make a list of 12 characters. Do NOT click on the cut to read my answers to the questions if you want to do the meme until AFTER you make your list.

Okay, it doesn't say it has to be in the same fandom, so I'll do a mixed one.  STE has already been done (by cedarrapidsgirl), but I'll include some of the characters in here anyway, along with Stargate Atlantis and Torchwood:

1) John Sheppard
2)Carson Beckett
3) Jack Harkness
4) Hoshi Sato
5)Owen Harper
6)Rodney McKay
7)Radek Zelenka
9)Malcolm Reed
10)Trip Tucker
11) Ianto Jones
12) Teyla Emmagan

.1. Have you ever read a 6/11 fic?
Rodney McKay/Ianto Jones? Um...that's a new one. Though I suppose Ianto can persuade Rodney with a cup of really good specialty coffee...

2. Do you think 4 is hot? How hot?
Hoshi? If I were a guy, sure, she's hot.

3. What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant?
Teyla got T'Pol PG? I think Trip would object to that one.

4. Can you rec any fics about 9?
There are a lot of Malcolm fics out there, gen, het and slash. (I've written quite a bit of R/S)

5. Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
Carson Beckett/Rodney McKay. I can see it and I've read many fics w/this pairing.

6. 5/9 or 5/10? Why?
Owen Harper/Malcolm Reed or Owen Harper/Trip Tucker I can't really see Owen with Trip...they're too different from each other. Owen/Malcolm, maybe. Though I think Malcolm would shoot him w/a phase pistol when Owen acts too much like a smartass.

7. What would happen if 7 walked in on 2 and 12 having sex?
Radek walks in on Carson and Teyla. He'd quietly back out. Then probably tease Carson about it later.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
Jack Harkness/Trip Tucker. Oh good Lord. Jack borrows the Tardis from the Ninth Doctor (w/o his permission, of course) and ends up stranded in the 22nd century. Enterprise responds to his distress call and Trip comes over to help fix the Tardis and...

Dammit. I'm gonna have to write this one now.

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
John Sheppard/T'Pol Urgh. Maybe John teases T'Pol to get an emotional reaction out of her?

10. Suggest a summary for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.

Radek/Teyla. Radek gets hurt during a mission and Teyla's the only one around to help him.

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Hoshi Sato/John Sheppard "Um...Colonel, those cave drawings are pretty far underground, would you mind coming along and holding the flashlight? You would? Thank you so much, Colonel." (Cue rock slide/cave-in). "It'll take them a while to get us out of here, and it's pretty chilly down here..." (Yeah. Awful. It's early in the morning.)

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Radek slash? I know there's quite a bit out there. Usually w/Rodney or Evan Lorne.

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
Probably, but Jack belongs to Ianto.

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Oh yeah.

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Carson/Hoshi/Owen Um...probably not. First two, yes. Not all three together.

16. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
John Sheppard/Rodney McKay/Teyla Emmagan Um...graphic, snark overdose, gratuitous use of bantos rods?

17. What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
Carson on Trip? O_O Uh..."I'll show ya my warp core if you show me yours?" Oops. Wrong Scotsman.  How about, "Laddie, you've been concussed, thrown from the upper deck, pregnant, and locked in a mind link w/a Vulcan. I'd like to check ye over, just to be sure you're okay?"

18. When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Owen? A couple of nights ago on Torchwood's site on

19. What is Six's super-sekrit kink?
Rodney's a got a thing for his coffee pot.

20. Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Ianto and Malcolm? Probably. Malcolm might have to be drunk first. Ianto, either drunk or sober.

21. "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.

"John Sheppard and Malcolm Reed are in a happy relationship until Malcolm suddenly runs off with Hoshi Sato. John, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Ianto Jones and a brief unhappy affair with Teyla Emmagan, then follows the wise advice of Owen Harper and finds true love with Jack Harkness."

OMG! ROTFL! I can sorta see this...but I don't see Owen giving him advice to be with Jack. Ianto would kill him! Title: A Cross-Dimensional Comedy of Errors. Who'd read it? I dunno. Who'd write it? If I was desperate for a fic, maybe.

meme, star trek enterprise, torchwood, wtf, sga

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