Operation House Declutter is a...stall?

Jul 09, 2009 19:00

It WAS a go. :( Then two autistic kids, one nine-month-old and one packrat husband re-cluttered it. (Is that a term? Re-cluttered?) I am forever sick of having to pick up after everybody, so now I am methodically cleaning out room by room. Yesterday, it was the living room/kitchen, part I. Hubby had taken down Sarah's old bassinet and conveniently left the pieces on one of the couches. Where it promptly stayed for about 2 weeks. And joined the box for our new Direct TV DVR Receiver, old laundry, toys and bills.

Kids' toys put away. Kids' books restacked so that it's not falling down on my head, or I'm tripping over them. At least I finally found that WAY overdue Wiggles DVD and returned it to the library. I'd really hate to see the overdue fines on that thing. I told my husband that and he wasn't thrilled by it. Um...put it where I can see it to return it, please? And why is your adjustable screwdriver with your cookbooks?

Ironically enough, hubby didn't even notice the change. Clueless as usual. He DID, however, leave the dishes in the sink and the diaper pain to be emptied. My 6 year old threw a tantrum when I made him clean up the Cheez-its he spilled onto the floor. But I made him do it anyway, kicking and screaming. He does the same thing when I make him put away his books, his toys and anything else. Well, you live in my house, you help.

I'm tackling my office space next. Instead of worrying about getting mad about the same things, I'm opting to do things that'll make a difference to me. Pick and choose your battles. I still get irritated when I feel like I'm the house slave, but hey, let him do his own underwear and let the kids clean up after themselves. I'm a mother and a wife, not a maid.


clutter, clean-up, tantrum, lazy husband, clueless

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