Meme: Words!

Jul 01, 2009 21:18

"Words" meme from explodedpen :)

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you. (Please note: If you simply wish to comment on something I've said but don't want to participate in the meme, that is fine. I will only give you five words if you specifically comment you with 'Words!')

OK, here are the words explodedpen gave me.

Star Trek; Kids; Stargate Atlantis; Writing; Linguist

Star Trek:

I first watched TOS in another language. Seriously. I lived in Naples, Italy for 5 years (Dad was in the military) and they showed TOS on Italian tv. It was kinda weird hearing Scotty without the brogue and Bones without the drawl, but I loved watching. I wanted a medical tricorder and a phaser. I think my favorite episode was "Mirror, Mirror" (with goatee!Evil!Spock). I read the (original) novels too. My favorite was "My Enemy, My Ally" and "The Wounded Sky" by Duane Duane. I think my favorite characters of hers are K't'lk (a meter-long, meter-high glass spider who's a physicist) and Commander Ael T'Rilliaeu (a Romulan commander who joins forces w/Kirk and Co. to save the Romulan Empire from itself).  I even wrote a little series of my own starship the USS Forrestal, which was set during TOS. I even remember the ship's registration number: NCC 1742. Just picked the number out of the air.

I moved back to the US in time to catch the premiere of TNG, then DS9 and VOY in college. I caught ENT in the middle of the Xindi Arc, and while hubby was a fan, I was kinda like "meh" at first. Luckily, I saw the error of my ways. I guess I liked ENT because it was "the beginning", rough-and-tumble, need to write the rules and be the first thing. Doing things by the seat of your pants. It wasn't as, well sanitized as TNG or VOY.

I wrote my first ENT fanfic after I saw "Countdown" and was mad that they killed off Major Hayes. I kinda liked his character. So I wrote the rough draft for what became "Regrets" (which is on under my name there, LadyRainbow). One fic led to another. I found myself writing mostly about the "Minor" Characters: Travis, Hoshi, Malcolm and Phlox, and occasionally about Trip. I think I have 1 Archer story and 1 T'Pol story. So far, I have about 27 ENT fics, with a couple more in various writing stages.

To boldly go...I think it was the sense of exploration, of adventure, that drew me to ST in the first place. Like Hoshi Sato and Uhura, I majored in languages, teaching and international culture. I honestly think ST influenced me that way. :) Plus, the characters aren't perfect, they have their dark sides as well, and ST didn't hesitate to explore that. When I was a kid, I wanted to be either Scotty or Bones, but I ended up more like Uhura instead. (See Linguist).

Favorite Characters: Bones, Scotty , Uhura (TOS), Geordi, Worf (TNG), O'Brien, Kira, Dax (DS9), B'Elanna, The Doctor (VOY), Trip, Hoshi, Malcolm (ENT)


I have three, all under 7 years old. Michael is 6, Christina 3 and Sarah almost 9 months. I love kids, but it's a real challenge when your older 2 are autistic. They were both diagnosed about the same time, at 2. Both of them have made great strides since then. Christina's a lityle gymnast and LOVES the water. Michael is strong musically and loves anything electronic. Sarah's already making her preferences known...she practically slurped up my chocolate ice cream the first time she tried it. Now if only I can get her to eat veggie baby food...

Pre-kids, I was a teacher, so I worked with 'em all the time. It was a bit different because they went home at the end of the day. Now I gotta take my kids with me. And although I'm NOT going to tell you how old I am, I can tell you that the kids I taught when they were in elementary school are now going into their freshman year of college. (Yikes!)

Stargate: Atlantis

OK, it's kinda strange how I stumbled over this show. I'd seen the original Stargate (with Kurt Russell and James Spader) and a handful of episodes of SG-1 (mostly because hubby is a RDA fan from McGyver and I thought---still think---that Michael Shanks is cute. Um...anyway...). The first SGA episode I saw was "Vegas", the alternate universe one and I thought, "This is weird. Who's the Goth-looking dude?" Then I saw "Enemy at the Gate" and liked it. I was like, "They have a guy from the UK (Carson) on this show!" and "Who's the guy with the maple leaf on his shoulder?" Complete SGA newbie, but it got me curious.

So I watched the show from "Rising" and was hooked. Have to admit, I hated Rodney McKay when I first saw him. I think he reminded me too much of the geeks my hubby associates with. But he did grow on me. And Ronon! Loved Teyla and her bantos fighting...I read that Bam-Bam (James Bamfield, the stunt coordinator) based her style on eskrima, a Filipino martial art w/sticks. And I was like...hey! I know what THAT is! My parents are from the Phillippines.

Fell in love with Carson Beckett. Cute, sensitive, ATA-carrying, Scottish-brogue doctor. What's not to love? Evan Lorne is still a close second. I also liked Peter Grodin and was mad when he was killed off in "Siege I". Liked Elizabeth Weir, and Sam Carter, but despite liking Robert Picardo and his role as the Doctor on Voyager, I really didn't like Woolsey. I think he reminded me of the bureaucratic people I had to deal with in my teaching career. Hated when Carson was killed, cheered when he was brought back (personally, I think he should've Ascended, a la Daniel Jackson) and really didn't like it when Elizabeth was offed as well. And maybe I was just used to seeing her as Kaylee, but I wasn't too fond of Keller (though I don't really hate her).

It took me a while to actually write a fanfic ("Light and Shadow") because I wasn't sure if I'd get the "voices" quite right. Right now I've got a couple more in development, including my SGA Big Bang fic...stay tuned.


Started keeping a journal when I was 8, in a spiral bound notebook. I eventually graduated to hard-backed books and art journals. I loved English class and wanted to be a writer. In fact, among my (small) group of friends, I was known as "The Writer". Writing took a backseat my freshman year in college...I was in Navy ROTC and blew out my knee in a PT run, and I couldn't pass the physical (was on crutches for 3 months). Got into the education program, but I also took classes in writing. One of my faves, of course, was the sci-fi course.

I've drabbled in many genres. Short story, poetry, novel-length. Believe it or not, I still have a collection of stories I wrote when I was 10, for a Gifted and Talented project, about a group of sci-fi explorers/rescuers. I think I was in my Thunderbirds stage at the time. Now I read it and wince. Ouch. I also have some stories from my crime noir phase (female PI in a rough and tumble city a la Gotham, with friends in the mob and a boyfriend who's a cop). I mostly write sci-fi and fantasy and fanfic.  And my writing reflects my real-life. I love making up cultures and languages (esp. in my ENT stories).


I've loved languages since I was a kid. My parents are from the Philippines, so I grew up hearing Filipino (Tagalog) and Spanish, but they just spoke English with me. I can understand when they speak in their native language, but I have a harder time speaking it. Dad's military career was split between the States in Europe (mostly Italy and England, with many trips to Germany). I was the family's unofficial "translator" in Italian. When my family finally got back to the States, I took German. My senior year, we had an exchange teacher from Hiroshima, Japan and I took her class. In college, I continued with German and took a semester each of Russian and Latin. I wanted to continue with my Japanese, but unfortunately, the class times always conflicted with my schedule.

I also worked with ESL (English as a Second Language) students and loved it. I've tutored a Japanese woman, a Spanish woman, and (most recently) a Korean woman in English. I'd like to eventually get back to ESL teaching and maybe even teach overseas.

Let's see what language books I've got on my shelf: Korean (1), Japanese (5 books), Chinese (19), French (6), Italian (5), Portuguese (1), Russian (1), Latin (1, my sister stole the other one), Arabic (4), Spanish (15), Scots Gaelic (2), British English, Lanky Twang, the Illustrated Glasgow dictionary, Rugby and Cricket for Mums, Australian English (5, what? I still can't understand Cricket, and I'm a native-born Brit!), Codes and Ciphers (2), Lost Languages, Threatened Languages (2), General Linguistics (5). So that makes a grand total of...72 books about languages. Yikes. I think I may be as geeky about languages as Daniel Jackson. *facepalm* Oh, that reminds me: Egyptian Hieroglyphics (1). Okay, 73. *double facepalm*

Well, I hope this is OK for the Words meme. Thanks, EP!

fanfic, linguist, star trek, writing, sga, esl, meme, hoshi sato, kids, autism, tutoring, languages, daniel jackson, ent

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