May 21, 2012 14:07
My new job has been a bit of an adjustment.
Early on I found myself in a lot of meetings and being involved in a lot of discussions in which I was WAY out of my depth. I didn't understand what people were talking about or the projects they were working on. It took me a while to figure out what my job actually was. Now, though there is still plenty of me being lost when hearing about things outside of my project, I am not bothered as much. I know well enough what I am meant to be doing (coming up with reasons why the eCensus is a good idea). When discussions go beyond that, I've decided that I can afford not to allocate mental bandwidth to trying to keep up.
At the same time, however, I am aware that my current work may potentially set me up for additional work in the new financial year, so I am getting a bit more involved in the workplace.
I am also doing very well on the flex time front. I am actually able to leave early today rather than staying on to pack on the hours. That's good, because I leave for England on Wednesday and could use some time to rest.
Tonight, however, I have trivia again. I was a bit concerned and frustrated by the lack of crowds in the early days, but over the last two weeks there has been an explosion of interest. On both nights there were over 30 people attending, and there are definite regulars now in attendance. So it looks like I will continue to have my side gig through the winter and beyond.
My training side gig is also going ok. I had one cancellation that kind of pissed me off (lame excuses, and turning up one week with promises to pay the next week, but then announcing a schedule change that will preclude further attendance.) Last week I felt a bit like cancelling, but two regulars turned up and though I had to change the workout plan entirely, they both stuck to it and enjoyed it. I also found out that both of them probably wouldn't get any exercise if it were not for my sessions, so I felt a lot better about that.