a list

Dec 21, 2008 10:19

Things to do this week:
  • Edit and post 28 Days Later fic. (I'm uneasy about it. There's no dialogue, just character introspection.)
  • Update my profile page. It could be snazzier.
  • Make a backdated entry of all my fic links.
  • Make backdated entries of all the fic I haven't posted on LJ

I had two weird dreams last night. I met Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz, and unsurprisingly Pete Wentz was a dick. There was nothing much to the dream except us going to see a play. I got separated from the group. This bled into a dream about Raven Symone trying to get over Zac Effron. She was popular guy and she was the overlooked best friend. Yes, I dream in high school au. WTF brain?


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