Forgive the topic of this post, but I'm kinda perplexed.
I've gotten two spam emails recently which started with what (to me) seems to be a rather odd hook. Here's the text from one, misspellings included:
"Icrease Your S''exual Desire and S''perm volume by 500%"
Does anyone want to pay for this?
Is "volume" really a big plus for anyone? (No anecdotes, please!) That's just an odd selling point. And what about paying money to increase your sexual desire. Again, is this something most guys have an unfortunate shortage of? I thought the point of these things was to increase your sexual performance.
Are there really guys out there saying "God, I wish I was horny more often. And that I had more "volume". That's just strange.
Having asked about this, I'm not entirely sure I'd like to hear an explanation.
Ah, who am I kidding, I'm sure I'd love to hear an explanation.