Dec 29, 2003 22:31
Name: ashley bro0ke
Nicknames: br0ke;bro0klyn;bro0kie
Birthday: November 8
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Siblings: 1 sister_c0urtney
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Ahhh...
Pets: yeah. n0pe
Hair Color: br0wn/red
Eye Color: br0wn_
Glasses/Contacts: neither
Height: 5'8''
Righty or Lefty: b0th
What's one thing you would change about yourself? my attitude
Goal in Life: Live for God, get married, college, get a job where I can get lots of money ;)
Song to Describe Yourself: ???
Best Girl Friend: em;c0urt;hailey;bekah
Best Guy Friend: nick & andy
Where can you usually be found: in church or @ jim and deb's house
Who would you be with?: c0urt or em
Are you the center of attention?: usually
What's your idea of a dream date?: HmMmM I'll get back to ya on that 'un*
Are you timely or always late?: timely
Where's the best hangout?: the wal*mart parking lot haha*
Do you like being around people or being alone?: ahhh depends on how i feel
Which ex now induces the gag reflex?: I don't wanna say lol ;)
What’s your biggest turn off in the opposite sex?: ugly teeth
Who was your first boyfriend?: Johnathon
Who was your first kiss?: Ahhh.... kinda embarrasing
Have you known the longest?: c0rt
Do you always get along with?: em.
Is the most trustworthy?: em and c0urt and nick
Makes you laugh the most?: em and nick
Has been there through all the hard times?: em and nick
Always has a man/woman?: prolly me he he ;)
Is the most sensitive?: me and em
Biggest loser?: hmmmmm
Most unique?: me
Is the most encouraging?: nick and em
Is the most blunt?: me... i tell it like it is
Is the shyest?: c0urt
Is the most outgoing?: me
Is the most rebellious?: me
Is the horniest? well, gosh..i don't wanna know.
Is the most perfect?: no one's perfect
Is the laziest?: c0urt
Is the most optimistic?: ahhh all of em
Is most likely to become famous?: em
Is most likely to become rich?: ^ rich *&* famous lol*
Is most likely to end up in jail?: me
Is most likely to have a million kids?: em
Is most likely never to have kids?: ???
Will get married first?: Me and Em
Is the smartest?: Nicholas Scott
Would, without thinking, die for you?: em and nick and court
Complains the most?: me and em
Complains the least?: Nicholas Scott
Is the biggest flirt?: Me and Em
Needs a good man/woman?: Me and em
Has the best fashion sense?: ALL
Could be an alien?: OOOOHHH me!!
Has the weirdest taste in the opposite sex?:c0urt
Best form of entertainment?: me
Are you most jealous of?: i'm not jealous! =)
Is a bad influence?: none of em
Color: pink
Article of Clothing: my sweatshirt
Shoes: my pink tennis shoes
Book: who reads?
Food: Chicken
Song: No shoes, No shirt,NO problems
Singer: Kenny Chesney
Band: Avalon
Hobby: basketball
Sport: Basketball
Holiday: birthday
Month: Novemeber
Season: ♥summer♥
Flower: roses
School Subject: None
Teacher: Mrs. Harmon
Number: 44
Sport to Watch: basketball
Breakfast Food: Blueberry muffins
Candy: Butterscotch
Place: church & the mall! =)
Shampoo: Redkin
Outrageous Hair Color: PInk
Cologne/Perfume: Lucky You
Dream: uhh...i don't know. i usually don't remember my dreams.
Thing to say in a foreign language: ?
Midnight Snack: Peanut Butter
Odd Make-out Spot: The couch
Thing to do when your bored: ICQ
Smell: A*&*F Fierce-
Quote: I'll get back to ya on that 'un*
memory: I sweat when I get nervous *&* the toilet that wuddn't stop flushing*
Have you ever been suspected of committing a crime?: n0
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?:2 hours
What would you like to be reincarnated as?: i don't want to be.
Do you make fun of your friends: nope. i sure don't.
Words or phrases you over use: weinerhead
If you were an animal what would you be?: a parrot
Do you enjoy talking to yourself?: yep.
What's your biggest fear?: never finding someone to love me.
What would you have liked to be named? Hannah
What’s your most prized possesion?: My two best friends
What’s the funniest phrase you can think of?: don't know*
Who/What are you thankful for?: God, family & friends.
Could a pack of wolves done a better job raising you?: no... haha
What time do you go to bed?: whenever i get really sleepy.
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: someone funny, cute, sweet & affectionate, HONEST, christian, some1 who will love me thru good and bad...
What's your most embarrassing moment?: Me embarrassed?!?
What's the worst feeling in the world?: a broken ♥
The best?: The thought of knowing ur loved by someone ♥
If you could meet anyone who ever existed who would it be? Why?: God. i just wanna see him.
Have you ever been in love?: Ahhh
What's your best physical feature?: eyes,hair,smile,dimples
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?: i don't know. a lie is a lie.
What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted?: Not being able to do anything with the Youth Group
What have you learned about love?: It sucks
How have you changed in the past year?: ahhhhh
*Tall, Average, Short : Tall
*Dark, Just tan, or White: Just tan
*Muscular, Average, or Puny: *Muscular ;)
*Athletic, Smart or both: BOTH
*Shy, Talkative, or A Little Bit of both: Both but not someone REAL shy cuz then they won't b fun* haha*
*Sweet or Sensitive: BOTH!
*Cowboy or City Slicker: c0wb0y baby*
Wealthy, Average, Poor: money can't buy happiness* hahaha
*Age you prefer: 0lder.
*Animal lover or hater: ahhhhh
*Pimp or Faithful: faithful
*Color hair: dark!
*Sense of Humor: DEFINALTLEY!!
*Nice: Yeah
Hott: heck-yeah*
*Nice clean teeth: GOSH YEAH* I'm a teeth girl!
*Want him to tell you when something is wrong: definatly.
*Does it matter if your parents like him: yeah, i think so.
Do you want him to take you on dates: well that would be nice.
Would you expect him to pay for your meals and dates: sometimes. & i will sometimes.
Do you want your friends to like him, but not steal him from you: why sure!
*Do you get jealous easily: not really
*Do you want to be able to trust him: most definatly.
Would you want him to buy you presents for no occasion: if they want to then it's sweet, but i don't expect it.
*Would you expect him to stick up for you: He better lol*
*Would you say you were picky after takin this: don't know*
*Names? i've already answered that.
*Knows you best? em nick and c0urt
*Do you have the most childhood memories with? c0urt
*Have you known longest? c0urt
*Have you known the shortest? ahhh none of em
*Do you hang out with most? em
*Do you wish you knew better? I know 'em all good*
*Is the funniest? me
*Is the quietest? c0urt
*Is the cutest? Ahhhhh
*Is the prettiest? All of them are beautiful
*Is the most creative? ???
*Is the biggest flirt? Me and em
Understands you? em
Has the most jokes? me
*Is best dressed? Em
*Is craziest? not goin ther*
*Is the most disgusting? none are disgusting. haha
*Has the prettiest hair? ahhh
Has the prettiest eyes? ahhh
*Has the biggest boobies? me
*Looks like a cheerleader? Em
Looks like a super model? I dunno?
*Is the nicest? all of them!
*Is the tallest? c0urt
*Is the shortest? em
*Has had the most b/f's? me
*Is pretty much in a serious relationship? none of us
*Whines the most? me
*Will be your maid of honor? EM AND COURT!