Thanksgiving Recap

Nov 30, 2008 05:15

I should be sleeping but I decided to stay awake as much as I can before giving into sleep tonight to have some sort of normal sleeping pattern. I mean I can stay awake till 2 am may be 3 am and still be coherent by 9 am anything later and I am a bit sluggish or well just really need my sleep and w ill be wanting to stay in bed for another hour or 3.

Thanksgiving day was awesome. As in I had me some fun times filling up on Turkey and Ham (courtesy of Bren) and tamales (thank you Ruby) and there were plenty of laughs and snide remarks and snickering and I was immobilized for about 15 minutes after eating half my plate (I cheated because I snacked). Madison was definetly the princess of the day. On the way to Brenda's in the car Ruby sat on her dress and she got all upset and was "Get off my dress mommy", which Ruby was all exaggerated I'm sorry Madison. It was the cutest thing ever. Seriously though Madison was in love with her dress and was also the cutest of all of us. We ate at Brenda's house then had desert at Tia Nancy's. Nancy had pies, brownies and fruit salad and music. It was loud and the kids were boisterious. Tia Nancy already had her house all decorated for Christmas so we took pictures in front of the tree with all the kids and ofcourse with just Madison who was the queen of the day. It was way relaxed and way so much fun. Much more fun then I thought I would have. It just needed one thing.

The only thing missing was my brother Roo. I think Ronnie has nefarious purposes behind the recent walls being constructed between my brother and those he is closest too. AS Richard said (Bren's old boss who is still her friend) she is cutting him off from his family (something he says he is familiar with as in it happened to him). And as I told everyone else she is getting into fights or arguments or something decisive with everyone my brother is close too. Not cool Ronnie. Fortunately we are more then confidant we will keep him with us, to lose him is not an option. He is our only brother. To lose my brother or Roo #3 is not an option. They are to important to us all. She has picked fights with Ruby (she was sober) and Brenda (not sure about her sobriety) and she talked shit about my cuz Frankie (in front of his family), who Rudy sees as a brother along with Eddie. She wont mess with Eddie because Carrie will kick her ass with no qualms, she would not do if Frankie was still with Brianna. Whereas we hesitate to act in that direction (except for me because seriously I am no fighter) because as his sisters we don't want to interfere with his relationship or jeopardize his relationship with his son. We love both Rudy #2 and 3 too much to alienate any of them. Which is why for the most part the louder ones tolerate her. She does not bother me but so long as I have access to baby Rudy I don't care. And not to mention that well while most of my family hangs out together, I have always managed to maintain a separate group of friends from my family. An autonomy that saves me from all the drama. While others get the brunt I get to bask in my own individuality and proceed on my own as I see fit . While I get second hand news of family drama I am ok with that. Sometimes someone needs to be on the outside to be the voice of reason among a bunch of hot heads (and god has seen fit for me to be related to a lot of them). There is a need for fresh eyes so people won't be to reactionary which is the majority of my family. Except for lately because the pattern has become clear and as I tell the others Ronnie has an agenda. Everyone she has shit with lately is people he holds near and dear. It is what it is. But for the most part we are pretty mellow. Good for us.

Thanksgiving night I went to the sanctuary with Kinah Harold and Luis. It was fun and relaxing and I loved the music. I will be going back there again. And my tequila shot was yummy!!! It has been a rather low key holiday. Today and by today I mean Friday the 29th not the 30th .... we went to the library where both Luis and Kinah picked up a copy of Sala's Gift. Which is an awesome book and one that I had talked about and they had heard about from different sources. I am glad they picked up the book its is a very good read. I liked the letters interspersed with the historical facts. It appeals to me.

Friday was cool in that I went to the Holiday Parade with my Tia Frances, Pauline, Val and Charlie. It took a bit for me and Pauline to find our seats and arguing with those sitting in our seats but we finally made it and were able to enjoy the parade together. We made a night of it watching the parade then having dinner at Texas Land and Cattle (expensive) but as Tia Frances said who cares its worth it. And it was, worth the laughs we shared and the cuteness of Charlie and the comfort and ease of hanging out with family you are close to. I am glad I was invited to join them. Charlie was so adorable looking all around at the lights not knowing where to look first but smiling and laughing with all of us. We were all enthralled with him, taking turns walking with him or carrying him, maneuvering through the crowds or taking turns entertaining him while we waited for dinner. And desert mmm this big old chunk of cheesecake with strawberry topping was way yummy. And trying to finalize a trip with grandma. Tia Frances is way determined to make sure Grandmas flies at least once. So we will get that done. So far we think Las Vegas or Florida. Somewhere warm and fun, those are our only two prerequisites.

Spent Saturday at the library with Kinah, Kayla and Luis and watching the secret Diary of a call girl with Kinah. A very good and addicting show that we managed to poach season 2 from across the pond. Yay us.

Guess that's the end. For now least ways. here is hoping Ruby has more tamales ready when i get home. From all sources .... her tamales were the best. I can vouch for them myself having some of them on thanksgiving and before. me and John got to taste them before everyone else. Now I watch Twilight. A very good book series. Hope the movie lives up even if its just a little.

celebrations, thoughts, celebrations irony, clubbing, twilight, life, friends, children, observations, yummyness, late nights, nancy, family, cuteness, food, feelings, going out, thanksgiving, fun times, recap, mmmmm, holiday, happy

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