
Aug 01, 2007 17:00

Things I noticed this week:

I find it weird to refer to the boy as my boyfriend
I still refer to the boyfriend as the boy but thats not so weird.
Me and the boy talk a lot more then what we used to ... I guess that is to be expected seeing as we are dating.
Colin Firth still makes me go gaga over him especially as Mr. Darcy
My taste in music has remained constant .... read I still like whiny white boy music
My friends have had very little change ups .... oh there have been new people but like that cheesy song I learned as a brownie in girl scouts says " make new friends but keep the old"
I still talk to Neline just about every evening.
I call everyone mijo or mija
Vodka is still my drug of choice ....
I always reread The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice every year ... well every year since I first read those two books.
My nephew hugs some of my clothes that is hanging up in his sleep. This alone does not make sense until you take into consideration how the boys sleeping quarters are set up here. The boy sleep in the TV room kinda like I did when I lived here in one nook where my bed used to rest is the boys bunk beds way up high is bar so they can hang some clothes ... there I have three outfits hanging and at night they somehow make their way down the bar towards his bed and he ends up hugging them at night. Weird.

Thats it for now. Now back to the Great Gatsby!

thoughts, music, dorkyness, personality, hmmm, the boy, who knew, boredom, boyfriend, colin firth, life, friends, the crew, vodkacrew

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