Aug 24, 2008 11:34
Calm and Rational Rant
I understand that life can be busy. Anyone who knows me knows that some of my weekends are scheduled down to the hour because all of the things I may need to get accomplished. I also understand that some people are fairly freewheeling and take things as they come.
However, regardless of how you decide to schedule or to not schedule your life, when someone takes the time to invite you to an event, you should have the common frickin decency to let them know if you are coming. Particularly when said event is something either catered or in a restaurant where the number of seats is something that planning people really need to know.
You were invited to the wedding and you can't make it but, geez that pre-stamped, pre-addressed envelope just didn't take enough work out of checking a frickin box and dropping the whole thing in the mail? Then pick up the damn phone and call the person. Weddings are a huge amount of effort. They cost a good deal per person so when someone - who is paying for the whole damn thing themselves - asks you to come, this means that they looked at your name and said, I really want this person and I'm willing to pay extra so that they (and possibly their date) can come an enjoy this event with me.
How frickin self-centered or lazy do you have to be to ignore their simple request to inform them if you are coming?
Don't even get me started on the people who respond Yes, so you include them in the dinner counts, and then they don't bother to show.
Other such event's include bridal or baby showers. These are events that are part of a change in someone's life and they want to take time and celebrate that change with you. You can't or don't want to be there? That's fine. But at least acknowledge the frickin invitation and the fact that they wanted you to be there. How frickin hard is that!?
It really is just common good manners to at least drop a line that says, "My apologies. I have other plans. Thank you for the invite." If you actually care about the person and you really our sorry about missing the event, it would be nice to include the reason so they know you aren't blowing them off.
Rant Done.