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Nov 23, 2010 07:57

 Devoicing of consonant before final s

ɑy rɪli wʌndɛr wʌt ðey du wɪð ðə bif rɪps lɑyk ðeyrs onli pork rɪps
I really wonder what they do with the beef ribs like there's only pork ribs

æn hɛr rum:meyts tʊk ʌs ænt ʃowd ʌs ɑl lɑyk ðis peyntiŋks
and her roommates took us and showed us all like these paintings

wi wɛnt ɑwt wɪθ hɛr lɑyk ə fyuw driŋks ɪn sʌm ʌf ðə pʌps
we went out with her like a few drinks in some of the pubs

ðə pleyn tɛrns ʌrɑwnd ænʔ kɑynt əf lɑyk flɑɪs ovɛr ɪt ʌgɛn bifor ɪt lænts
the plane turns around and kind of like flies over it again before it lands

Flap T following r and precding “i”
ænʔ ðɛn wi wɛnʔ tuw ðə bitʃ fɛr lɑyk ðɛrɾi mɪnʌts
and then we went to the beach for like thirty minutes

wi stɑrded ɔf æt sɛptɛmbɛr ɛlɛvɛnθ ɪn bostʌn æftɛr ə greyt pɑrɾi
we started off at September eleventh in Boston after a great party

wi wɛnt ɑn ɑwr own ænt ðæ? wʌs prɪɾi kuwl
we went on our own and that was pretty cool

ðɪs ɪs mɑy fɪfɾi mɪnʌt vɔys sæmpəl for yuw
this is my fifteen minute voice sample for you

D/t in place of flap t before -ed ending, after r except before “i” ending

yu wɪl siy tuw wɪtʃ sɪɾi wi wɪl kʌm eniwe lɛts gɛt stardɛd
you will see to which city we will come anyway let's get started

wi lɑyk hɪtʃhɑykd bæk ɪn æn kʌnvɛrtɪbʌl
we like hitchhiked back in an convertible

Glottal stops
wi mɛt ɑwr howst now ɜkʃli wi diʔnt
we met our host no actually we didn't

ɜktʃli kɑɪnʔ ʌf swʌm I downʔ now ɪt wʌs prɪɾi kowlt
actually kind of swum I don't know it was pretty cold

tuw leyt for ðə bæt θɪŋ bʌt tʃʌst ɪn tɑym for ə guʔ nɑyɾ ʌf pɑrtiʔiŋ
too late for the bat thing but just in time for a good night of partying

ænʔ ðə nɛkst dey wi lɑyk θruw sæn frænsisko ænʔ wi wɛnt to ðə golʔɛn geyt
and the next day we like through San Francisco and we went to the Golden Gate

ænʔ ðɛn wi wɛnʔ tuw ðə bitʃ fɛr lɑyk ðɛrɾi mɪnʌts
and then we went to the beach for like thirty minutes

devoicing of voiced affricates

lɑyk wɛn ðey flɑy frʌm ðɪs brɪtʃ
like when they fly from this bridge

wiy tʊk ðə keybʌl kɔr ʌgɛn ɪn ordɛr tuw gɛt tuw tʃʌpæntɑwn
we took the cable car again in order to get to Japantown

wiy mænɛtʃd tuw fɑynd ə dʒæpʌnis rɛstʌrɑnt
we managed to find a Japanese restaurant

incorrect use of an

wiy lɑyk hɪtʃhɑykd bæk ɪn æn kʌnvɛrtɪbʌl
we like hitchhiked back in an convertible

wiy wɛnt tuw ðɪs bɑr weyr hæt layk æn hæpi ɑwr
we went to this bar where had like an happy hour

ɜ instead of æ

ts in place of z in initial consonants

ɑy θiŋk wiy wɛnt tuw ðə tsuw
I think we went to the zoo

ðə liŋkɪn tsuw ɑy θiŋk ɪts kɑlt
the Lincoln Zoo I think it's called

dropping of past tense morpheme -ed following consonants other than stops, fricatives affricates before lax vowels

wiy mænɛtʃd tuw fɑynd ə dʒæpʌnis rɛstʌrɑnt
we managed to find a Japanese restaurant

wiy gɑt lɑyk totʌli weystɛd
wiy got like totally wasted

æn? ðɛn wiy ʌrɑɪvt ɪn ɔstɪn
and then we arrived in Austin

wʌts ðə dɪstrɪkt kɔl
What's the district called

ɑwr howst lɪv lɑyk ɑwtsɑyt ðə sɪɾi
our host lived like outside the city

mʌtiyʌs drɑp mɑy kæmɛrʌ
Matthias dropped my camera

not using ə in certain function words (have, to, of)

ænt ðɛn wiy wɛnt tuw ðə pirs tuw fiʃɛrmɛms worf
and then we went to the piers to Fisherman's Wharf

ænd ðɛn wiy hæt tuw cɛtʃ ðə bʌs bæk howm
and then we had to catch the bus back home

ɑy howp yuw downt mɑynt ɔrɛdi sʌm ʌf ðə storis
I hope you don't mind already some of the stories

aspiration of final consonants

wiy ʌrɑɪft ɪn sæn frænsɪsko ænʔ tʊk ðə bɑrtʃ wɪtʃ ɪs ɜktʃli birdʒ ɪn tʃɛrmʌn
we arrived in San Francisco and took the BART which is actually beard in German

Dipthongization and vowel lengthening before unvoiced consonants
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