(no subject)

Nov 23, 2010 02:34

 1 ɪts wɛnsdey twelf fifɾin nowvmbɛr θɛrt æn ðɪs ɪs mɑy fɪfɾin mɪnʌt vɔys sæmpʌl for yuh meyri
It's Wednesday twelve fifteen November third and this is my fifteen minute voice sample for you, Mary.
2 æs ɑyf ɔrɛdi towld yuh ɑy wɪl probʌli tɔk ə bɪt bɑwt mɑy trɪp wɪθ mʌɾiyʌs
as I've already told you I will probably talk a bit about my trip with Matthias.
ɪts kɑynt ʌf ə fɪfɾin mɪnʌt dɑyri ʌf may trip
It's kind of a fifteen-minute diary of my trip.
ɛniwey lɛts gɛt stardɛd
Anyway, let's get started.
wiy stɑrded ɑf ɑn sɛptɛmbɛr ɛlɛvɛnθ ɪn bɑstʌn æftɛr ə greyt pɑrɾi
We started off on September eleventh in Boston after a great party.
wiy fluw tuw ʃɪkɑgo æn mɛt ɑwr howst
We flew to Chicago and met our host.
æktʃli now wiy di?n mit ɑwr howst ðə fɛrst tɑym
Actually, no, we didn't meet our host the first time.
wiy ordɛrt orɪtʃɪnʌl ʃɪkɑgo stɑyl pitza
We ordered original Chicago-style pizza.
ɪt wʌs tuw bɪg bʌt meyt ʌb bɑy plɛn?i ʌf tʃis
It was too big but made up by plenty of cheese.
æt nɑyt wiy wɛnt ɑwt wɪθ hɛr hæd lɑyk ə fyuw driŋks ɪn sʌm ʌf ðə pʌps
At night we went out with her had like a few drinks in some of the pubs.
ðə nɛks tey wiy dɪskʌvɛrd ðə sɪɾi
The next day, we discovered the city.
now wiy di?nt hæf ðæt mʌtʃ tɑym
No, we didn't, we didn't have that much time.
ay θiŋk wiy wɛnt tuw ðə tsuw
I think we went to the zoo.
ðə linkʌn tsuw I θiŋk ɪts cɑld
The Lincoln Zoo I think it's called.
æn ðɛn wiy wɛn tuw ðə biytʃ for lɑyk θɛrɾi mɪnʌts...
And then we went to the beach for like thirty minutes...
...æktʃli kɑyn? ʌf swʌm.
...actually kind of swum.
ɪt wʌs prɪɾi kowlt
It was pretty cold.
ðɛn wiy ɔrɛdi hæt tuw kɛtʃ ðə flɑyt tuw sæn frænsɪsko
Then we already had to catch the flight to San Francisco.
ðɛn wiy ʌrɑyvd ɪn sæn frænsɪsko æn tʊk ðə bɑrtʃ wɪtʃ ɪs aktʃli birdʒ ɪn tʃɛrmɛn.
Then we arrived in San Francisco and took the BART which is actually “beard” in German.
wi peyd ðə roŋ fiy wɪtʃ wʌs onli lɑyk hæf ðə fiy wi ʃʊd hæf peyd bʌt ɪ? wʌs okey.
We paid the wrong fee which was only like half the fee we should have paid but it was okay.
mɛt ɑwr host shi hæt lɑyk gɛs ovɛr ænd wiy lɑyk wɑtʃ muwvis æn? ðey wɛr prɪɾi kuwl.
Met our host she had like guest over and we like watched movies and they were pretty cool.
ðə nɛks dey wiy lɑyk wɛn? θruw sæn frænsɪsko ænd wɛnt tuw ðə gol?ɛn geyt brɪtʃ
The next day we like went through San Francisco and went to the Golden Gate Bridge.
Mʌtiyʌs drɑp mɑy kæmrə.
Matthias dropped my camera.
we lɑyk hɪtʃhɑykt bæk ɪn æn kʌnvɛrtɪblʌ.
We like hitchhiked back in an convertible.
wiy tʊk ðə keybɛl kɑr ðə fɛrst tɑym...
We took the cable car the first time...
...æn ðɛn wiy wɛnt tuw ðɪs bɑr weyr hæd lɑyk æn hæpi ɑwr æn birs
…and then we went to this bar where had like an happy hour and beers.
wiy tʊk ðə keybɛl kɑr tuw tʃʌpæntɑwn.
We took the cable car to Japantown.
wiy mænʌtʃ tuw fɑynd a dʒæpʌnis rɛstrɑnt weyr wiy gɑt towtʌli weystɛd
We managed to find a Japanese restaurant where we got totally wasted.
ðɛn wiy hæd tuw kɛtʃ ðə bʌs bæk howm...
Then we had to catch the bus back home...
…gɑt ɑwr suwtkesɛs ænd wɛnt tuw ðiy yeyrport ænd fluw tuw ɔstɪn
...got our suitcases and went to the airport and flew to Austin.
æn ðɛn wiy ʌrɑyvd ɪn ɔstɪn tuw leyt for ðə bæt θiŋ....
And then we arrived in Austin too late for the bat thing...
…lɑyk wɛn ðey flɑy ʌndɛr ðɪs brɪtʃ...
…like when they fly under this bridge...
….bʌt dʒʌst ɪn tɑym for ə nɑyt ʌf pɑrti?iŋ
but just in time for a night of partying.
wiy hæd mɛksɪkɛn fuwd fɛrst...
We had Mexican food first...
...æn ðɛn wiy wɛn tuw sɪks strit ɑy θiŋk
...and then we went to Sixth Street, I think.
fɑθ strit fifθ strit
Fourth Street? Fifth Street?
wiy wɛr lɑyk dansiŋ
We were like dancing.
ʌnfortyuntli wiy hæ tuw lɑyk gow howm prɪɾi ɛrli...
Unfortunately we had to like go home pretty early...
...bikʌs ɑwr howst lɪf lɑyk ɑwtsɑyt ðə sɪɾi
...because our host lived like outside the city.
nɛks dey wiy hæd layk bɑbʌkyu wɪtʃ wʌs rɪli gʊt
Next day we had like barbecue, which was really good.
ɑwr fɛrst biyf rips
Our first beef ribs.
ɑy down? now wɑy ðey downt prʌdus ðæt ɪn tʃɛrmʌni
I don't know why they don't produce that in Germany.
ɑy rɪli wʌndɛr wʌt ðey du wɪð ðə bif rɪps...
I really wonder what they do with the beef ribs,
lɑyk ðeyrs onli pork rɪps...
like there's only pork ribs...
wiy wɛnt tuw ðə steyt hɑws ðə kæpitʌl
We went to the State House, the Capital.
ðɛn ɔrɛdi wiy hæt tuw gow tuw ðiy eyrport
Then already we had to go to the airport.
wiy fluw tuw veygɑs vɑyə lɑŋ bitʃ
We flew to Vegas via Long Beach
wi hæd layk æn ɔsʌm flɑyt ovɛr veygɑs æn? ðɛn lɑyk wiy fluw ovɛr ðə strɪp
We had like an awesome flight over Vegas and then like we flew over the strip...
...ðɛn ðə pleyn tɛrns ʌrɑwnd æn kɑynt ʌf lɑyk flɑys ovɛr ɪt bifor ɪt lænts.
...then the plane turns around and kind of like flies over it before it lands.
eniwey vegɑs ɪs blɛri
Anyway Vegas is blurry.

ðæt wʌs ðiy ivniŋ wiy hæd ðə bɑbekyu

That was the evening we had the barbecue.

ɑwr hos wʌs ɑlso ə prɪɾi nɑys gɛrl

Our host was also a pretty nice girl.
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