last night i had 2 back to back HORRIBLE dreams. ill write more about them when i get home tonight after work. i started to cry the first one was so bad. =[
express is going okay. most of the people there are nice.. theres a few who i havent met and its because they are kinda snotty. theres one girl there whos really annoying, but i think shes leaving soon anyway!
This monday, 9.11 is my anniversary! im excited.. ive never dated some one that long! haha let alone have a promosing future with them.. wow!
i start classes tomorrow, with italian. i should probably buy my books beffooore class.. maybe. yeah, why not.
i bought travis this watch... i didnt realize is was called a bentley. haha
tell me what you think! (i also got him cursive tickets, and The Matador DVD.)