Jul 04, 2004 00:49
Today was pretty good. Granted it had its high and low points, but then again, doesn't every day? So after a day of sleeping on my bed, thats on the opposite side of the room than it normally is, I woke up and got ready for the days actividades. Well, actually, that's a lie. I got up at around 4:15 and then again at 7 because I had to pee...not that you really needed to know that, but it was truely only because I drank a shit load of iced coffee last night at Becker's house. Damn the caffine! But after that, I got up at around ten and hung around the house for a bit before I went online and started talking about what I was wearing and bringing to the Fox home. That was interesting... Then I get a phone call from California, aka Evan, just because they were playing the drift away song in the cafeteria. Whoa, basically...that's a strange joke that really isnt too much of a joke from exactly a year ago...geez!
My how time flies. It definitely goes by waaaay too quickly. I just want to stop time, cause that'd be fuckin' awesome. I would basically just be living in my own fantasy world where nothing would go wrong, and if it did...I'd just rewind time and play it over a different way. Or something. But since that's impossible, I suppose I'll just embrace the future as it comes. Gotta have a positive outlook right? After all, if you don't, it'll just suck that much more. :-P
Anywho, so I went to the Fox's at around sometime after three, and I hung around with Felicia some, and then a few whiles later Becker and Nikki came, and I hung around with them, and I hung around with Jimmy and them peoples, then I made fun of people in the pool with Jess and Melanie...hmmm later I went into the pool with Becker and the other two joined us only to look over to the fenceish thing and who else do I see? but Jared and Nicole. haha. They're just awesome. Lalala, oh yes, Felicia's friend Jason came over and we hung out with him, had a few interesting conversations, Jimmy and Jason hit it off real well, did some more sitting around...tried to make Felicia wash a dish, although that didn't go over too well. *insert australian accent here* Watched the Jimmy and the Jess interact a bit...always amusing. Jimmy passed out but didn't realize it, then i was going to pass out, but not. Gotta love it when that happens. Hung around Felicia's room and listened to Grease, Jimmy was surprised that I was singing. teehee, nah, it's just that I dont normally sing around him, thaaaaats all... :-* :-P
So we left at around sometime after twenty after eleven. Then for like the next hour, Jimmy and I sat around outside my house talking about shizzle...but it's all good now. Aaaaand now I'm sitting at my computer. Oh yea! and sometime between all that I got my glue gun back and we ate...but eya. night night!
Happy birthday KJ!