Excrucio Eternum and Elegia Eternum sound like my type of games. I've never played Neverwinter Nights, but I could easily get since I'm ordering some old games on Amazon right now. However can you play these mods on single player? I don't like online multiplayer and that was a big part of Neverwinter Nights, and the reason I never played it.
I never once played Neverwinter Nights on multiplayer, online or otherwise, so I imagine you can ignore it, too. I think you can get the diamond or platinum edition that comes with all the expansions (Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark) for a fairly cheap price. If so, I recommend getting that. Many mods unfortunately require that you have all the expansions
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Neverwinter Nights Diamond is on amazon for 30 dollars (which is about 21 euros to me). Since the main purchase I'm making is Shigenori Soejima's art book for 55 dollars, I can thrown in an extra 30. I already have Baldur's Gate 2 and the original, but for ps2 but so mods for me. Still good games though. I will try planescape Torment though, thanks for the suggestion. It's amazing how amazon has so many old PC games for a good price, and so few games for old consoles for a decent price (Spyro's collection for ps1 is 150$, I payed less for the games individually
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I'm a 90's child too. Technically, my decade should be the 2000's (I'm 19), but most of what I enjoy, including music, comes from the 90's. BG2 had the best mods. The only thing that really redeemed NWN was it's mods. The single-player isn't worth that much (probably because they were focusing on multiplayer, which nobody ended up playing
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I'm 18, so my decade should also be the 2000's, but I keep going back to the 90's and even 80's for games. Most games now have the same problem as NWN then, they focus to much on the multi player and too little on the single player. There's games out there that are only 4 hours long (and at full price no less), and yet people say they make up for it with the multi player. I very rarely play games with friends that aren't in the fighting and puzzle genre, and to make matters worse, most of the multi player can only be played online. Yeah, apparently goldeneye was had a crappy multi player because of the split screen, the real way to do it, according to the developers, is online so that each player has their own screen. Bullshit, they only want you to have to buy multiple consoles and games. So if a friends have a different platform (or god forbid, he has no new generation console) forget about spending a nice afternoon playing games with them. And I hate playing online, be it with friends or strangers, I want to play with people next
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For some reason, I kinda guessed we were around the same age. XD No idea why. I'm a hermit who likes playing in a dark room by myself. Lol. If a game forces me to interact with other people my reaction is to go ":\" and ignore it. I was addicted to Guild Wars for a while but otherwise? No. I'm so sick of everyone and their brother coming out with MMOs. The thing is you only really need ONE MMO to keep you entertained. The rest are extraneous. The next Bioware Knights of the Old Republic game is an MMO, not a sequel to the series, which annoys me, but what can I do? *le sigh* BTW, If you've never played Knights of the Old Republic, it's a pretty kickass RPG Bioware Star Wars game
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Glad to know another young female who's a hermit that doesn't even like online games. I guessed we were the same age because we seem to have the same taste in guys. I think we have good taste mind you, compared to other girls our age that love rapists, jerks and homicidal maniacs, but it seems older women prefer mature, stable guys. Like you said, I prefer guys who are still a bit inexperienced but fun. I go dokidoki over things like Boris asking for a kiss after showing her the fireworks or taking her to the ice cave and the balloon ride, and Kaho described those kind of things as "teenage romance". But I don't think characters like Boris or Roy would make bad partners in the long run, so it's okay for me not to like guys not that mature yet
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I know. Kaho was a little dismissive of Boris when I thought he was rather sweet and youthful. It's refreshing. I think mature guys are boring. I want something to corrupt! Haha. Or, at least, I want to be able to discover things together with the guy. If he's all like "Oh, yeah. Been there. Done that" it feels dull. That's why I don't like game!Blood. He's TOO experienced (manga!Blood's an asshole I don't recognize as existing, and my opinion has only been solidified by the new chapter that's been thrown up on mangafox). I didn't think my taste was age-specific, but maybe it is. Hmm. Don't get me started on the chicks who dig guys with no redeemable qualities. Uuuugh. You're right, though, guys like Roy and Boris are the type who will probably even out as they get older, but why not have fun why they're younger
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Maturity isn't always connected to age though. Both Julius and Gowland are older than Blood and I still had fun with them. It's so fun visiting Julius at 5 hearts and hearing him say things like "do you wanna go somewhere, I'll go anywhere you like", when you know he's a hermit and only doing it for you. It just makes my heart warm. Plus his back handed compliments, like when Alice is complimenting his perfect hair, and he tries to compliment her by saying her hair is beautiful because "it doesn't have any grays" and she's gets pissed. Things like that, he may be older and mature, but he's not all boring. Same for Gowland, the guy is just fun. But then again he owns an amusement park as a hobby, what did I expect? And when he tries to act all romantic at the ball it's also really sweet. Most of the guys on Alice are that way. They're older than her, and some more experienced than, but still fun and some childish (like Elliot and Nightmare
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Also, I know I'm going overboard with this, but may I ask what depth does Blood have? He's a whinny, spoiled brat that abuses women. Do we ever get to know why? No. Are we ever given any reason he even loves Alice beyond her just being a foreigner? No. We get the stuff about him and Vivaldi being separated, but Vivaldi went through worse by being isolated before she became Queen, and she isn't a bitch. No matter how much I look at it, Blood has no depth. But from what I've seen, must girls just like him cause he's handsome. Now Boris on the other hand (and many other characters) has depth. Do we know why he acts so reckless? Yes, because he doesn't value his own life, since he'll just be replaced. Do we get a reason as to why he likes Alice beyond her just being a foreigner? Yes, Alice was the first person to take care of him and show any concern for him, and she made him value his own life, even if just a little. Which is why he acts so sweet towards her. People just dismiss Boris as being sweet, and they don't realize he only acts
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By age I meant my age, not the bishie's age, but I agree, anyway. Gray is okay, but he sort of is boring. I mean, sure the idea of an assassin who huggles cute stuff and is trying to work from his dark past has charm BUT in Clover it centered so much around Julius that the cool character concept just wasn't there. Boris's route wasn't much better, of course, because Alice was so...ugh. "Oh no! Yer a cat!" "Oh no! Don't do that in public!" "Blah blah blah" And then there was Elliot's route where she was literally phsyically abusive to him. I remember the scene where she slaps him across the face, pulls his ears and then kisses him while pulling his ears again. All the while he's in a huge amount of pain. I was just...eww. If she was a man and Elliot a woman that wouldn't be funny or cute, like I think Quinrose was going for. But whatever
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