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kumiko_fuji March 2 2011, 15:47:34 UTC
Maturity isn't always connected to age though. Both Julius and Gowland are older than Blood and I still had fun with them. It's so fun visiting Julius at 5 hearts and hearing him say things like "do you wanna go somewhere, I'll go anywhere you like", when you know he's a hermit and only doing it for you. It just makes my heart warm. Plus his back handed compliments, like when Alice is complimenting his perfect hair, and he tries to compliment her by saying her hair is beautiful because "it doesn't have any grays" and she's gets pissed. Things like that, he may be older and mature, but he's not all boring. Same for Gowland, the guy is just fun. But then again he owns an amusement park as a hobby, what did I expect? And when he tries to act all romantic at the ball it's also really sweet. Most of the guys on Alice are that way. They're older than her, and some more experienced than, but still fun and some childish (like Elliot and Nightmare).

Blood and Gray are boring as hell though. Gray is never interesting unless he has his psycho moments, and I don't find that all that fun. All the rest is work and feeling inferior to Julius with him. Boring. And Blood, besides boring, was also a big jerk in Heart. And don't even get me started on manga Blood, man, talk about a character with no redeeming qualities. And chapter 31 was bad enough when I only half understood it, fully understanding it makes me want to beat manga Blood and crap on him. I did like Gowland though (except when he talked about the "you guys argue so you must love one another" crap). "I wouldn't even give you a flower" right on Gowland, all Blood deserves is a punch in the face. Also, when the hell was Gowland ever shown as being "lecherous"? Hmm, as far as I know, never. But wait, this is coming from manga Blood, who's the worst character in all the Alice Universe, so he has to make up stuff to make others look bad in comparison to him (which doesn't work since Blood is also older than her,therefore, he's also lecherous). FAIL!

And have you even read the stuff people say to defend him? Here's some quotes from the last reply on the "hate on Blood" thread: "Blood has always seemed more real and more fascinating to me than any other character." and "Boris (or anyone else) is sweet, yes, but it doesn't seem like he has the same depth of character."

Wow. I mean that's just sad. According to her, being a sweet guy means he has no depth and doesn't seem real. This seems like the words of a girl who has never been friends with a decent guy. Jerks like Blood are not fascinating, they're just jerks. They don't have any mysterious past to make them that way, they act like jerks because they are jerks. And that's all they'll ever be to you. Sweet (or just average guys that aren't jerks), are much more interesting and fascinating. You can actually share a conversation and interests without them belittling you. And because of that, you can actually get to know them. You get to know stuff about their childhood, you get to spend hours just talking, you get to spend quality time with them having fun doing various things. It's way better than fantasizing about why a jerk is that way, or only acts that way cause he likes you.


kumiko_fuji March 2 2011, 15:47:49 UTC
Also, I know I'm going overboard with this, but may I ask what depth does Blood have? He's a whinny, spoiled brat that abuses women. Do we ever get to know why? No. Are we ever given any reason he even loves Alice beyond her just being a foreigner? No. We get the stuff about him and Vivaldi being separated, but Vivaldi went through worse by being isolated before she became Queen, and she isn't a bitch. No matter how much I look at it, Blood has no depth. But from what I've seen, must girls just like him cause he's handsome. Now Boris on the other hand (and many other characters) has depth. Do we know why he acts so reckless? Yes, because he doesn't value his own life, since he'll just be replaced. Do we get a reason as to why he likes Alice beyond her just being a foreigner? Yes, Alice was the first person to take care of him and show any concern for him, and she made him value his own life, even if just a little. Which is why he acts so sweet towards her. People just dismiss Boris as being sweet, and they don't realize he only acts that way with Alice. He acts pretty normal with everyone else, and he isn't sweet to the Queen. But he's sweet and protects Alice because she's the first person that cared for him, and he cares for her. Same for Julius, people dismiss him as the tsundere guy (something I don't even agree with), without even looking at the reasons why he's that way and how he acts with her. Isn't that funny, people try to give depth to characters that don't have it, and then dismiss characters who do have it.

Isn't Dairanath supposed to initiate the special dialogue with you? From what I read he does that once every 24 hours or later, and at one point during those conversations you can choose if you want him romantically or not. Since it's been like two days, I imagine you've only heard two conversations with him, which is what supposed to happen.But I'm glad you're having fun with Oblivion. My copy of NWN and AT will arrive sometime the next 2 weeks, and I've already downloaded a few modules I want to try.


lucilleliu March 3 2011, 03:36:07 UTC
By age I meant my age, not the bishie's age, but I agree, anyway. Gray is okay, but he sort of is boring. I mean, sure the idea of an assassin who huggles cute stuff and is trying to work from his dark past has charm BUT in Clover it centered so much around Julius that the cool character concept just wasn't there. Boris's route wasn't much better, of course, because Alice was so...ugh. "Oh no! Yer a cat!" "Oh no! Don't do that in public!" "Blah blah blah" And then there was Elliot's route where she was literally phsyically abusive to him. I remember the scene where she slaps him across the face, pulls his ears and then kisses him while pulling his ears again. All the while he's in a huge amount of pain. I was just...eww. If she was a man and Elliot a woman that wouldn't be funny or cute, like I think Quinrose was going for. But whatever.

BTW, I totally love you for all your points on Blood and want an internet marriage RIGHT NAO. YE GODS YES. Assholes are assholes because they're assholes. A character doesn't have to be dark to be deep, which is a flawed argument. Any character can be deep. Any character can be shallow if they're given few, vague or simplistic motivations and dialogue that repeats itself (HOW many times can Blood accuse Alice of being a whore before his mouth pops off). Matter of fact, if someone were to list all of Blood's dialogue from the manga, I bet more than every other line would be some form of copies of each other or the same dull insinuation that "ALICE IS TEH WHORE". It's...boring. That's not a deep character. Deep characters have deminsions and vibrant, VARIED dialogue, like real people. Few people go around saying the same thing again and again like Blood does. It's like he's a broken record.

Oh God. This is why I stay away from the mangafox threads. They make me sad. :(

I'll go check back on Dairanath. Imma go play again and see if I can't get the special dialogue. Right now I'm playing both him and Stoker so it's a harem. Haha.

PS Blood isn't handsome, fangirls. He has doucheface on 24/7. Does he put that damn smirk on every morning? I mean, seriously. His eyes are always squinty and his mouth always a thin line and...DOUCHE.


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