The will of the wind...

Oct 08, 2008 14:35

I used to play this song in my kiddie organ, but all I can remember how to sing now are two lines in the chorus: "The will of the wind, you feel it and then..." "It comes and it goes, and God only knows..." And I've long lost the sheet music my aunt gave me.

September 24th, I hunted for my mom's old prayer book. There's music in the back. My sister and I played carols on the flute in her organ, which is twice as long as mine and bearing no pink at all!

September 27th, the cleaning. There was a dead moth trapped in one vase, and until now I haven't removed it yet. Neither had Mom. We couldn't bear to poke it out. It's stuck.

September 28th, Sherly, Rolydee and I reviled and hexed a van driver for waiting so long at the terminal. It was almost two pm (or was it already past two?) when my brujas arrived at the house. The driver must have felt the death glares and Sherly's threatening diarrhea. We choked down lunch in between laughter. Rolydee was her usual bubbly, insane self. She cut up apples for us in our orange juice. Sherly was cured.

>> I was a little miffed Eli (diarrhea), Ren (papers), Allen (defense) and Sandrea (org meeting/debut) didn't come, but bygones be bygones. Hmpf.

I'm Team Edward, Sherly is Team Jacob, Rolydee is... Team Billy.

We went to Mass, Sherly and I, but Rolydee had to go home to her Powerpoint projects

(Sherly saw HIM for the first time. She approves, haha). But we had a lovely time, most of it spent on DVD's and books. I miss my books!

Rolydee borrowed: Breaking Dawn, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept and Stardust.
Sherly borrowed: Pride and Prejudice, M is for Magic and two READ mags

Reniel still has: Messenger
Allen still has: A Little Princess
Riz (in Ilo-ilo!) still has: Flipped and The Phantom of the Opera

But then, I still have Riz's LOTR, hehe. And Sherly's Oliver Twist.

Speaking of books, I bought three Newbery medal-winners last Saturday. Josh and I braved rain and diarrhea (it's been going around. But Josh only had to detour to the men's room once). I bought him a Pokemon Omnibus as compensation and as a very advanced birthday present.

Sarah, Plain and Tall
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler

Shiloh, Bridge to Terabithia and The Giver are the other Newbery winners I've read and relished. I'll start collecting them.

I also finally got my own copy of Palanca Grand Prize winner, Salamanca.

And also, this chick-lit: Read My Lips by Teri Brown.

It's about a deaf girl quite gifted in reading lips. 83% accuracy! This ability made her an asset to certain members of a clique, making her 'belong' while they asked her for gossip and various other tidbits. I think the novel was published directly to trade paperback. There are no blurbs, no citations, no awards, and the protagonist's talent made me green with envy and raise my eyebrows in disbelief at the same time, but I liked it.

And then just last night, I read The Lodger at Wintertide in Fantasy Magazine. Lovely love story between 'Silversack' and Sibley, who was adopted by people in a silent village. Sibley asked Silversack for a voice, not knowing Silversack can't give it to her and that she already has it.

A Maiden's Grave by Jeffery Deaver is another novel with deaf people in it. 'A maiden's grave' had been what Melanie-- rapidly losing her hearing at the time in the back story-- thought was the title of Amazing Grace.

After I searched for 'The Lodger' at Fantasy to get the link again, I found an interview with Gregory Bernard Banks, an author who often included disabled characters in his work, and consequently, Decloaking Disability Bibliography, which will now make me stay offline again, I'm sure. *bookmarks*

Where was I? Oh, books. Oh, I love Powerbooks! I was reunited with my wallet (the one I forgot in the leather pouf there when I bought Breaking Dawn)! And the nice girl at Customer Service (I am so getting her name and cell number next time, hehe) recognized me when I claimed my mag and gift cards and jokingly also made an acknowledgment receipt for the wallet.

I've had this Ferragamo baby for four years! I'm glad I didn't lose it permanently.

~ * ~

Wooh! I'm a little giddy. They probably won't read this, but thank you and God bless you, Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant.

I finished my beta reading and then I think I'll lay (very) low (lower than now, meaning no checking for updates on my fave fan fics *grits teeth*) in the fandoms for a while so I can concentrate on another short story and choose and prepare my NaNo entry.

~ * ~

Can someone give me the onomatopoeia of Robocop's gait? Pretty please. Thank you!

novels, robocop, rolydee, books, life, short story, sherly, etc., friends, deafness

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